Keep IT!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
And then the rot sets in... a rant.

She takes pictures. I taught her the basics. This was a bad mistake. I'm lousy at taking pictures so I take 5 or 10 and toss all but the best one. Her criteria differs ever so slightly. If it isn't out of focus, keep it.

She also demands she must use the view screen instead of the view finder. The obviously result is dozens upon dozens of clear in-focus pictures that are badly framed: KEEP IT!

The next problem is she likes to cook. And take pictures of what she cooks. From all angles, under different lighting, with slightly different arrangements... with different things in the background.

And thus we end up with....

>162 GB of bright crisp in focus pictures of goo. Nearly every one badly out of frame. In the above example we have 43 plates of spaghetti with one or more sides of the plate missing. KEEP IT!
It's a good picture!

Then more rot set in. Enter the Nikon. Capable of 4 frames per second, fantastic auto-focus, and can do it in 24 megapixels. And it has a screen to avoid getting an in frame picture by using the view finder.

She tells me she can fix the framing in Photoshop. Right. At least 250,000 plates of goo that can be fixed with only a half hour of fiddling in Photoshop for each shot. Hmm. Be very generous. 15 minutes per. 15 x 150,000 = 2250000 = 37500 = 1562.5 = 4.2 years working 24 hours a day will get that framing fixed. Providing she quits taking pictures.

But that's not all the rot. She likes to take pics of kids and she works at an orphanage. The Nikon is, sadly, fast enough to freeze frame. She wields it like a machine gun clickclickclickclickclickclick. How many thousand well focused pictures of where a kid was a few moments ago... I have no idea. If the kid is mostly or entirely out of the picture, delete, otherwise KEEP IT! Top of a head missing, chopped off at the knees, no problem. I'm just being overly fussy!

I bought an extra 1 TB hard drive. It's already 1/3 full and we have only had the Nikon for about 8 months. And now she wants a good tripod to start taking movies. She doesn't know how to rip movies. But she points out I do!

So I'm supposed to spend remaining years staring at plates of goo and snot covered bipeds?
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Jan 28, 2016
That often happens when someone is starting out. They (myself included) want to keep all the images. I was like that till a friend of mine forced me to treat my digital camera like a film one. They told me I had X number of shots and then I had to give up my camera. I started working harder on composition and getting nice looking shots over trying to take a photo of ...everything. My photos greatly improved after that.