Just made a purchase... but,

Silent Noise

Nov 14, 2004
Apparently this female albino burmese isn't all that friendly after all. She tried snapping at me and took a few bites when I grabbed her out of the pillow case! I don't know what to do now that she's arrived, I'd love to work with her as much as my time allows but I am a little dissapointed in the seller. She never once mentioned her aggressive behavior! She did however, mention that she loved to hang out in a water bowl, and didn't like to be disturbed while she was in it. I came to find out hours after her arrival, that anything moving around her she'll attempt to bite - including inside her enclosure! I had to cover her up with a towel to avoid stressing her and possibly breaking her neck if she keeps striking inside her cage. I've made an attempt to contact the seller just a few minutes ago asking for at least some kind of refund, because she never made any mention of her aggressive behavior. Not only that she's also 5 ft, and it seems to me that it will take quite a considerable amount of time to allow her to calm down and hopefully tame her to be handled. As she gets bigger, she'll only do much more damage if not worked with.

I don't know what is reasonable to ask of the seller now that I paid her $150, but I think it is fair to ask for at least half of the money back as this is a difficult snake at its size to work with - is this fair? I'd be willing to return it to her also, in return of my full refund and I'd be willing to cover the shipping. But, I think it was part my mistake for not asking about her behavior, but she also never mentioned she was an aggressive biter either. What do you guys think I should do?

I mean, I willing to work with the poor snake, but a snake of this size and its current temperment is probably impossible to sell anywhere if it isn't handable. Wouldn't you think so?


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2004
Give her time to relax...transport is a very stressful time for any animal. Leave her alone for a week or so and let her get used to her new surroundings. Be prepared to get bit once or twice, they are wild animals that rely on instinct. She is in a new place with new smells and some wierd thing in the sky that is trying to eat her :)


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Aren't Burmese naturally a big fiestier? Everyone Ive ever met has had a bit of an attitude problem. My husband had one in his younger years that he swears was Bi-polar. She would be all sweet and nice for a few days then Bite the crap out of him for a week.

All I know is I dont LIKE BITEY SNAKES :(

Good luck..hope she calms down..theyre beautiful snakes!!


Brian S

Old Timer
May 29, 2004
OldHag said:
All I know is I dont LIKE BITEY SNAKES :(

Uhhhh how about bitey ticks lol :eek:

Anyway, Every Burmese I have ever been around was very tempermental. I would keep one if wouldn't get big enuff to put the big squeeze on me. I guess I'll stick with corn snakes and kingsnakes lol


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2004
I agree, try to leave her alone and see if she settles in, shes probably just attacking so much because she was taken from her home and put somewhere else! If all else fails, invest in some thick electritians gloves and train her to be an attack snake! LOL I think sending her back would just double the stress on the snake and probably make things worse! Maybe wait and see what the seller says, she really might just be acting this way because of the move!


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
I concur (not on the attack snake.....a burm can do that on it's own :p)

Give her at least a week to settle down, she's probably still peeved about being moved and adjusting to a new environment. I think burms can calm down a bit later on, but it might take you a little while, but give her some time to settle in. I wouldn't mess with her for at least a week, maybe two.

Silent Noise

Nov 14, 2004
Thank you all for your input. I have yet to hear back from the seller, I sure hope it is soon. But I'll give her and the seller some time, you're all right, she may just need a week or two to settle in. I've just never experienced such a defensive snake, I do frequently buy online. I want to be able to work with her as soon as today, get her to be a little more tame but after reading what everyone just said - I think it may just be a better idea to leave her alone, covered up and undisturbed for about a week and then work with her after she settles. Am I doing the right thing?

Here she is, I think I'll name her Suzan after my former boss - she's such a female dog. {D

And also, the seller of this '04 0.1 A. dumerili said she came straight from Isaac Wyatt, I googled that but found only historical documents, anyone know of a website or other info. on this person?

Last edited:


Old Timer
Oct 19, 2004
Deffinitely give her some time to settle. Burms tend to be tempermental and they do NOT like their homes being messed about with. However, even the big guys can sometimes be pretty tractable. Just give her some time to mellow out before you mess with her.

Nice looking dumerals, btw.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
I see it as buyer beware. Those that buy retics, burms, condas, and boas, need to do the reseach "before" the purchase. Another thing with the big ones is that they are hard to get rid of once they get LARGE (especially the common ones). Handling can calm them but not in all cases. Getting your money back while they are small is easiest.

Silent Noise

Nov 14, 2004
She is approx. 5' and after brief contact with the original owner, a private party, she was quite defensive in what I wanted. I wasn't asking for a full refund, but rather a suitable portion I left open for her to decide as this is one difficult snake that as mentioned before, will take a considerable amount of time to get acquainted with. I advised her to warn her customers in the future prior to asking for payment, but I doubt she'll follow. It has become obvious to me, that after my attempts to contact the original owner and our brief communication her only goal was to get rid of her for a decent amount of money. It's a shame considering this is my first experience buying from a private individual, giving everyone else a bad name when considering a private party purchase on my part in the future.

Her temperment has been noticed inside and outside her current enclosure, I have covered her enclosure with a towel and will remain undisturbed for about a week or two so she may have a chance to aclimate to her new home. After that, I will make every effort to work with her temperment in order to reach reasonable results.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
if you can get a pet store to give you $25-50 for it go for it, the bigger they are the harder to get rid of and more expensive to feed. I have gutata gutata, better animals and better prices. 10 lot (blizzard, red albino, charcoal, aztec, zipper, hypo, ghost) for $600, all ready for March breeding.

Silent Noise

Nov 14, 2004
I have found myself in
quite an embarrasing moment but I am humbling myself
in the fact that I was wrong. As expected from a
juvenile Burmese, this gorgeus female should calm down
in the next week or two. I have already begun to work
with her last night, but will be leaving her alone
without disturbances for the next 7 - 14 days to giver
her time to acclimate herself in her new home as some of you advised. She's
such a beauty, I handled her last night, with gloves,
and after several minutes that showed no signs of
aggression I proceeded to remove one glove, and pet
her tail with my left hand. She was fine, a little
hissing and puffing, but no striking until I placed
her back into her enclosure. I'll keep you posted on her
positive progress. :razz:


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2004
I don't know if it's just the photo, but that Burm looks pre-shed to me. If this is so, coupled with the stress of moving and being poked, it will definately be nasty. How are you keeping it? Do you have a hide box?