Just caught a Tarantula Hawk Wasp!!!


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Hi Folks, I just caught an IMMENSE (2") Tarantula Hawk Wasp in my front yard. I immediately thought it was one but just checked this site to make sure: http://entmuseum.ucr.edu/faq.erm.htm

Looks like she's a female due to it's curled antennae. So - this is a good sign; there are Tarantulas or Trap-Doors close by! However; I wouldn't want ANY beautiful Tarantula or any critter to get anywhere near this thing; it's as big as a hummingbird (but more slender, dark and evil!)

Beware if you see one 'o these - I've collected all kinds of insects since I was 4 - and she is a Big'un! Picture to follow: Hope this isn't "Off Topic"... Man, is this thing MAD... ;P
[I live in San Diego County...]

This group of wasps includes some of the largest stinging insects in the world, and reportedly some of the most painful to be stung by, mostly due to the size of the sting itself and the volume of venom injected. Normally, use of this sting is reserved for their prey, which the venom paralyzes, but if mishandled by a person, they will use it in self-defense. They can be found essentially anywhere tarantulas and trap-door spiders occur, with the greatest abundance in the desert Southwest. Most SW species are black with metallic bluish highlights and orange wings, but species with black wings occur. There are two genera, Pepsis and Hemipepsis, which are very difficult to separate (subtle features of wing venation), but almost identical in biology. These wasps commonly visit flowers, especially milkweeds, for nectar, as this is essentially all the adult wasps feed on. The males are generally more often encountered than females, and can be recognized by their longer, straighter antennae, while females have short and rather strongly curled antennae.


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Just took some pics...

Hi HuonHengChai - Just took some great photos.... This is one aggressive bug... It's pretty, too. Shiny black abdomen, thorax, & legs with opalescent orange, long wings. I am waiting for my other computer so I can post them. I am going to dry this one and make jewelry out of it. What a FANTASTIC find. I'm so lucky! {D Be well, Kim Ski


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Trying to "resize" on ACDC....

Do either of you know how to resize on ACDC software - I've used the resize function; but to no avail... I know we're only allowed a certain # of pixels per pic.... Am trying to upload pics (They are fantastic if I do say so myself) lol -
but have to find the software. Hang in there - I will post them as soon as possible. What an awesome find.... she's beautiful and buzzing around; she won't simmer down...) Kim Ski


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Yes, the KK is taped; she almost broke out

Here are some more pics.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Sep 30, 2003
WOW!! That is awesome! I have never seen anything like that before, of course I do live in Ohio haha!

BTW, what a beautiful kitty!:D



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2006
That thing is huge! I have never seen one before. It looks kewl :)


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Thanks and She is Very Cool (and Mad!)

Thanks - It's SO nice to be in a community that loves bugs as much as I do!!! My website should be up soon a http://danceswithtarantulas.com
I'm fixing some tech diffs right now.

This T. Hawk Wasp is probably the best bug I've ever collected. I believe it's a "She" due to her curly antenae. And, that web-site I gave did not connect; sorry - I'm new here and need to learn how to post links correctly. But if you search under 'Tarantula Hawk Wasp' you should be able to get some info.

Her body, on closer inspection, is actually a metalic-like sheen of blue and green shimmering on a fuzzy black background. (Pics to come at website) She has very long legs with spurs on the 2 back ones... And she is extremely active. Now she's buzzing those brilliant orange wings cuz she's a bit frustrated that her busy day got interrupted.

Her name is "Henrietta" (I named all my bugs "Henry" as a kid...lol) and she was, and is EXTREMELY busy. I barely caught her; I saw this orange blur as she fell of the wooden fence and she was really on her way to somewhere and in a hurry. I could hear her saying, "Got too much to do... gotta get going. Get outta my way, I'm coming through... MOVE IT NOW!"

Take care and thanks for sharing. This beats all of the bugs back in Rhode Island by far {D


Old Timer
Mar 31, 2006
Nice wasp but I think you should let it go so it can enjoy its life I dont think it's going to do very well in captivity, ever since I joined this forum I started to fell bad about taking wc invertebrates/vertebrates out of there natural habitat :8o never had that problem before only cb for me from now on :eek: "I am going to dry this one and make jewelry out of it." :embarrassed:


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Point of View

Hi PoPpills - I do understand your point of view and opinion and respect them completly - however I am going to keep and preserve this especially beautiful specimen for personal use, i.e. a decorative piece to wear as Jewelry as I plan to do with my beloved, deceased Pink Toe Tarantula.

As an aside: I am an adherent to Buddhism, thus I fully realize that this is a withdrawal from my "Karma Bank".


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Hi Demonhunter - She fell off the wooden fence in my yard... and skittered terribly fast across the tile and into the driveway. Thankfully my husband had a coffe container w/ lid in the garage which we steered her into without too much fuss. I realized she was a humdinger when I first saw her and then I searched the web for Tarantula Hawk Wasp and got the real info.... I'm wondering what to feed her; she's pretty big, and very active. I'm in the process of making a habitat for her. I will have to research what her needs are... I am in the process of posting pics to my website @ danceswithtarantulas.com. Bye!


Old Timer
Sep 5, 2005
kimski said:
Hi PoPpills - I do understand your point of view and opinion and respect them completly - however I am going to keep and preserve this especially beautiful specimen for personal use, i.e. a decorative piece to wear as Jewelry as I plan to do with my beloved, deceased Pink Toe Tarantula.

As an aside: I am an adherent to Buddhism, thus I fully realize that this is a withdrawal from my "Karma Bank".
Just out of curiousity how are you going to make jewelry out of her? I'm not ragging on you or anything, just curious as to how that would be done with a wasp. I've heard of them using buprestidae beetle elytra to make earrings out of, but how would you do it with the wasp? Oh, and you need a bigger setup for that wasp if you plan to keep it alive for a while, something akin to one of those chameleon type cages with screen for better air flow and so she can cling to it and buzz around; and they eat flower nectar and mashed fruit, sweet liquid stuff. Hope that helps ;)


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Hi Peter Parker - "With great Power, comes great Responsibility": Uncle Ben.

I did a bit of research on how to keep her... need to do a bit of scouting and a better environ is in the works.

When her time comes I will most likely 'resin-ate' her... I have made walking sticks with Arachnids (Scorpions) in resin affixed to the top of the handle...
My other half is adept at encasing insects in resin. He's a Scorpio - so I guess I'll do it to him when his time comes... {That's a joke in case the "Constant Scolders" are wondering...}

As I said, I try my best to practice loving-kindness, which is at the Heart of Buddhism. (There are ants all over my bathroom and in my closet and all over my clothers, but I don't want to 'kill' them.....) but I must say, I am very 'attached' to this particular bug. Must work on that...
Take care, Kim Ski


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2005
I caught 3 of them in Baja and their really interesting to watch, not to mention super aggressive!!