Just a tad nervous..


Aug 30, 2009
My little guy Boots (Avicularia Avicularia) is getting ready to molt-- I saw him trying to flip onto his back earlier. This is my very first time to see a tarantula through a molt, and I don't think he's chosen the best spot-- the flimsy end of a pothos leaf in his enclosure. He's tried getting settled a few times, only to go -plunk!- down to the ground (a very short distance and onto coconut fiber substrate). I'm very nervous-- as any newbie would be. I know he knows what he's doing-- I'm just a worry wart! I'll leave him be, check on him every few hours, and keep his environment warm and humid. Nature will have to do the rest.

That still doesn't mean I won't get a grey hair or two! Thanks for letting me spaz like a worried mother hen. :)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
That's what this forum is here for!!! Don't stress too much about it. My G. rosea went through a molt on top of her hide, and right on the edge too. Sure enough, she fell off, and lived through it.

It's good to get to see the molting process. Even though it's a rare occurance, it's such a powerful experience!!! Good luck to you and Boots!!


Aug 30, 2009
It's exciting! I think he decided the corner was a better spot-- no need to climb, crawl, flip and fall! I'd been made aware of what to watch for through some great youtube videos and one of the books I bought and man-- he went from being a cute, pink little sling with black 'boots' to dark, dark legs quick! And when he stopped eating I kind of clued in a little more. Now I've got him in his enclosure in a little sling house that's humid and warm. Hopefully I can post pics-- exciting time at this newbie's house! :)

Thanks for the well wishes!!