just a hello, and a question :)


Jan 15, 2003
Hello I am new if u dont know:).

ppl call me a monster for feeding my spiders pinky mice, does anyone else think that its wrong to feed t's pinky mice??


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
People say the same thing about me. The funny thing is, most of them who say that don't see anything wrong with eating meat.

And there isn't anything wrong with eating meat.

But my point is, they're bloody hypocrites. Like, it's okay for them to eat a cow, but it's somehow wrong to feed mice to a spider. Or that it's okay for them to feed ground up animals to their kittens, but you're the devil if your spiders eat a warm blooded animal.

And that's just absurd.

God, I hate people. :mad:


Jan 15, 2003
I will get pics up of my new sling when it arrives in a couple of weeks:) I do almost all of my orders at www.reptiledepot.com this place isnt just all t's. But it doesnt have a great selection of spiders. its going to be a A. seemanni

What I have:) Enjoy:

A. seemanni =Male
L. parahybana =female(Thankgod)
L. dificilus =female

I hope 2 expand my collection(After all im only 14:) )


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2003
No problem with feeding T's little mice. I tried it too, but that wasnt such a succes, I will try a pinkie next time. Hope I wont feel sorry for that when it's getting close to my T.



Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by ilovemyjob:)
Hello I am new if u dont know:).

ppl call me a monster for feeding my spiders pinky mice, does anyone else think that its wrong to feed t's pinky mice??
Mammals have a natural affinity for other mammals. I am glad the world is controlled by mammals, as opposed to, say, reptiles or insects. Jesus was a mammal.


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2003
Originally posted by whoami?
People say the same thing about me. The funny thing is, most of them who say that don't see anything wrong with eating meat.

And there isn't anything wrong with eating meat.

But my point is, they're bloody hypocrites. Like, it's okay for them to eat a cow, but it's somehow wrong to feed mice to a spider. Or that it's okay for them to feed ground up animals to their kittens, but you're the devil if your spiders eat a warm blooded animal.

And that's just absurd.

God, I hate people. :mad:
I believe I made the same rant on another post...I hate people, too. You're not the only anti-social beast lurking this board LoL Question is, is it hypocritical for 2 people who hate everyone to interact socially? ;P



"End world hunger, eat the stupid..."


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Welcome! I don't feed my Tarantulas pinkys to often. Personal choice more than anything, but the screams bother me. I only use them to put on weight after say a fast or molt.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2003
T. Food

Originally posted by Me
I don't know about most people, but I think alive tarantula food in cruel. Aside from crickets who are fu**ing brainless. Anyway, Think of yourself as a little baby mose with unopened eyes having a huge tarantula come and inject you with there fangs. Those animals can feel and are scared out of their minds! I, only once fed my rosie a pinky and the sound of high-piched squeek screams make me feel bad.
I Understand perfectly it's a part of life. I eat meat and enyoy it. I am also saying that there is nothing wrong with feeding your Tarantula a pinky. Death is a natural part of life and without it, there would be no life. Killing is what things do to survive wether its eating a pinky, or grinding up a cow to make tacos."I fully support and love tacos." I am just saying that some people do this for amusement and it gives them pleasure to watch. People who get excited from this and feed the tarantulas pinkys for that reason, are the screwed up ones. The quote above is my personal opinion and I don't give a crap what you have to say about it;)


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2003
Originally posted by whoami?
People say the same thing about me. The funny thing is, most of them who say that don't see anything wrong with eating meat.

And there isn't anything wrong with eating meat.

But my point is, they're bloody hypocrites. Like, it's okay for them to eat a cow, but it's somehow wrong to feed mice to a spider. Or that it's okay for them to feed ground up animals to their kittens, but you're the devil if your spiders eat a warm blooded animal.

And that's just absurd.

God, I hate people. :mad:
One more thing, People who disagree on feeding a baby mouse to a t. is because because they think the baby mouse is cute fuzzy and innocent .People like that piss me off but as I said its alright to feed them pinkys, I just don't care for it....
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
I've considered whether or not I am being a hypocrite by posting on message boards. After thinking about it for a while, I concluded that I am being consistent with my antisocial tendencies.

You see, I don't try to make friends online. There are three reasons why I post. Either I am bored, or I am trying to get information that will help me, or I am trying to piss people off because I dislike them. Since all of these are selfish reasons for interacting with others online, I find that that does not clash with my hatred for people.

And anyway, when I say that I hate people, I don't mean that I hate ALL people. I just mean that I hate people in general.

But back to the mice. I don't have a problem with people who simply find the screaming of pinkies to be uncomfortable. I don't have much of a problem with people who are opposed to the deaths of ALL animals.

Though I really don't see how it's possible for one to be opposed to the death of any animal. After all, many animals can't survive without killing other animals.

But, as I said, I dodn't have that much of a problem with people who are opposed to the death of any animal. At least they're trying to be consistent (even if, in reality, they're being stupid).

What I DO have a problem with is people who say it's okay to kill certain non-endengered animals whose deaths benefit them, but wrong to kill other non-enangered animals whose deaths they find uncomfortable to their personal tastes.

And like I said, many people (in my experience) who think it is wrong to feed pinkies to spiders, also eat meat. Well, spiders NEED to eat other animals. While human beings don't. I think it's pretty f***ed up to criticize someone else for the exact kind of food you're feeding to an animal that MUST feed on meat, when you're feeding on meat just because it's convenient and it tastes good.

Vayu Son

Avatar of Anansi
Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

well... actually humans are omnivores for a reason. Back in the day there was a branch off that coincided with early Homo named Paranthropus. They existed solely on vegetation and had overspecialized dental patterns that reflected this(heterodonts, huge molars for grinding up the vegetation). When climate changed to an ice age they found themselves lacking a subsistence base and too specialized to survive without it. Thus it was the Genera Homo that survived to reproduce and bring us to us.



Old Timer
Jul 27, 2002
Oh, I know that people are omnivores for a reason. That's why we have big, pointy canine teeth.

I'm just saying that people don't NEED to eat meat (at least not in rich nations such as the U.S.). That's why we have vegans and such. If they were dropping dead from lack of proper nutrition, I'm assuming there would be far fewer vegans.

I'm just saying that many the people I'm talking about don't need to eat meat. Yet they happily do so when they want to, but at the same time have no problem criticizing others for what animals we feed to our spiders.

A pinky mouse experinces (at the very most) a few minutes of pain. Usually, it's more like a few seconds. While the domesticated animals that we eat are often kept in horrible conditions.

But it's still like, "you feed mice to spider! You bad man!"

I tell you, people are f***ed in the head.



Old Timer
Jan 1, 2003
Originally posted by whoami?
I tell you, people are f***ed in the head.

I'd be inclined to agree...

Anyone think my 4-4.5 in. seemanni would enjoy a pinkie? I have yet to try it, but this conversation is making me think (which is always dangerous LoL).



Old Timer
Jul 18, 2002
Re: Re: T. Food

Originally posted by TypeO-
possibly the best quote ever
i have to agree...

about mice: offer them up if you can. to quote a wise band known as tool, "life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on life feeds on this is necessary."

when my l. cristata dies, i threw her small, tiny spiderling body to the birds for their nourishment knowing that one day, my l. parahybana would eat one of theirs...

about people: i bought a "mean people suck" bumper sticker and cut off the "mean" part. this was on my '84 chevy cavalier. now i have an alien spaceship on my '99 saturn crafted after the darwin and fundamentalist fishies.

pm me if anyone is interested in getting their own "alien spaceship fish" logo


Old Timer
Aug 9, 2002
I am all for feeding mice on occasion. I think its an excellent supplement for a T... especially after a molt when it needs a lot of nourishment. Nothing fattens up a spider like a vertebrate meal!

My personal feeling is that when someone feeds strictly crickets to their Spider that it will ultimately lack in something eventually. Mammals have all kinds of different vitamins, minerals, and various amino acids and nutrients that I am sure are not found in crickets.

Basically I think its best to vary the diet so that there is no way a tarantula can lack in anything.