jumping spider refusing to eat


Jul 10, 2023
Hi everyone,
i have a Phidippus Regius. I have had him for a few months now. He was eating fine for the first months and has molted twice in my care. i think he’s around instar 6-8. for the past month or so he refused to eat no matter what. i tried giving him dubia and mealworm. sometimes he would go up to the prey, prepare to bite it but then the prey moved and he freaked out and ran away. i tried killing them before feeding him but he still doesnt eat. he does jump on the prey like before but instead would walk up to eat and slowly put his fangs around it. any tips?
he is in a 25x25x25cm bright and warm terrarium.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
Hi everyone,
i have a Phidippus Regius. I have had him for a few months now. He was eating fine for the first months and has molted twice in my care. i think he’s around instar 6-8. for the past month or so he refused to eat no matter what. i tried giving him dubia and mealworm. sometimes he would go up to the prey, prepare to bite it but then the prey moved and he freaked out and ran away. i tried killing them before feeding him but he still doesnt eat. he does jump on the prey like before but instead would walk up to eat and slowly put his fangs around it. any tips?
he is in a 25x25x25cm bright and warm terrarium.
Try crickets if it won’t eat those then worry ..


Active Member
Jun 8, 2023
Hi everyone,
i have a Phidippus Regius. I have had him for a few months now. He was eating fine for the first months and has molted twice in my care. i think he’s around instar 6-8. for the past month or so he refused to eat no matter what. i tried giving him dubia and mealworm. sometimes he would go up to the prey, prepare to bite it but then the prey moved and he freaked out and ran away. i tried killing them before feeding him but he still doesnt eat. he does jump on the prey like before but instead would walk up to eat and slowly put his fangs around it. any tips?
he is in a 25x25x25cm bright and warm terrarium.
If he's being more slow he could be dying mine did this with his food before he died but I hope not

How old
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Jun 21, 2023
Jumpers do this in the final stage of their lives. 6-8 is a broad range, but at those stages he is an old man. I'm not entirely sure why they refuse to eat, I've had some eat up until the day they die.

If he's not going into a molt, then he's probably just old and reaching the end of his life.