Jumping Spider pre-molt behavoir?


Sep 19, 2021
Hi all! My jumper (phiddipus regius) is a juvenile, and I've fed her twice since she's been here.

She made a small, thin web hammock against some leaves and the glass of her enclosure, and stayed there for about 2 days, barely moving. I was pretty sure she was about to molt - but she just stepped out and is exploring again and looking out at me, with no molt having occurred. I'm wondering, did she not have enough privacy, having her nest against the glass and seeing stuff moving outside? She does have hides and such, but didn't use them this time.

I only ask because I thought the web hammocks are just for molting, so I'm wondering why she didn't.

Her web hammock against the glass.
Bijou herself, stepped out and gazed at me. One of her palps is much fluffier than the other for some reason.
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Nov 14, 2020
Hiya, they do make web hammocks when they're settled into an enclosure, so this is pretty normal and, if anything, a good sign that she's comfortable :) Do you have any cork bark or decorative branches you can add in so things are a bit more stable?

She probably did move - just when you weren't looking! Also, would you mind terribly posting a picture of her full enclosure?


Sep 19, 2021
Hiya, they do make web hammocks when they're settled into an enclosure, so this is pretty normal and, if anything, a good sign that she's comfortable :) Do you have any cork bark or decorative branches you can add in so things are a bit more stable?

She probably did move - just when you weren't looking! Also, would you mind terribly posting a picture of her full enclosure?
Oh, all right - I didn't know that they nested just because! And yes, she turned around every now and again in there.
Here are a couple pics of her enclosure. I did a thread with more pics here, though some things have changed since then. There are (sterilized!) driftwood sticks at the top for climbing, and the aquarium plants in her enclosure are attached to the wall with magnets to hold them up. There is also a hide made out of a pit and two made out of acorns.

The inside is somewhat open - this was by design so that I would always be able to scope her out in there, especially now while she is smaller, so that I can make sure she is always in there and is safe/healthy/etc. and also so the enclosure is easy to reach inside with tongs if I need to change anything or remove/put in feeders.

If you have thoughts on needing more climbs set up, though, I'm all ears!


Apr 10, 2020
Oh, all right - I didn't know that they nested just because! And yes, she turned around every now and again in there.
View attachment 401026
View attachment 401027
Here are a couple pics of her enclosure. I did a thread with more pics here, though some things have changed since then. There are (sterilized!) driftwood sticks at the top for climbing, and the aquarium plants in her enclosure are attached to the wall with magnets to hold them up. There is also a hide made out of a pit and two made out of acorns.

The inside is somewhat open - this was by design so that I would always be able to scope her out in there, especially now while she is smaller, so that I can make sure she is always in there and is safe/healthy/etc. and also so the enclosure is easy to reach inside with tongs if I need to change anything or remove/put in feeders.

If you have thoughts on needing more climbs set up, though, I'm all ears!
the most gorgeous enclosure i've ever seen wow😧i used to make them cute enclosures too until i realized it had no purpose because they would mess it all up right away lmao tarantulas at least
but keep it up that enclosure is stunning and super appropriate for a jumper😊


Nov 14, 2020
the most gorgeous enclosure i've ever seen wow😧i used to make them cute enclosures too until i realized it had no purpose because they would mess it all up right away lmao tarantulas at least
but keep it up that enclosure is stunning and super appropriate for a jumper😊
Agreed - absolutely gorgeous. No wonder she's happy!


Sep 19, 2021
the most gorgeous enclosure i've ever seen wow😧i used to make them cute enclosures too until i realized it had no purpose because they would mess it all up right away lmao tarantulas at least
but keep it up that enclosure is stunning and super appropriate for a jumper😊
Agreed - absolutely gorgeous. No wonder she's happy!
Such kind words! Thanks to you both :happy:
And so good to know that she is showing signs of being happy and comfortable! 🧡✨


May 14, 2021
The enclosure is so amazing. It’s like a mini world. Absolutely love the hobbit home. Is it’s name Frodo 😁


Sep 19, 2021
The enclosure is so amazing. It’s like a mini world. Absolutely love the hobbit home. Is it’s name Frodo 😁
Hehe, that'd be cute!

Her name is Bijou - its a french name that means "jewel"! Since Phiddipus Regius have such colorful and shiny chelicerae I feel like its a fitting name. Its also a unisex name, since she was unsexed when she arrived. 😁

Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
Jumping spiders will make nests just to sleep in, and sometimes will stay in until they are hungry again, or just in the mood to walk around. My sister’s Eris militaris is very reclusive, coming out every few days. But when it does, it will be very active for a few days.

If its in the nest for more than 7 days, it’s very likely in pre-molt. While it can take less time, it’s very likely if it’s over 7. (Unless they are already super reclusive.)
A lot of Jumpers make thick nests before molting, but it’s not uncommon to make just a thin one. My Platycryptus undatus made a thin molt nest, and I’ve seen 3 Eris militaris molt with thin nests. But alot make thick ones. 60622443-17D0-4663-AF96-8CF40D3C1E76.jpeg 5488C470-CBB4-4A7A-9D6E-1E812AB18BF8.jpeg
This wild jumper molted with a thin nest. Picture taken 1 day after molt.


May 14, 2021
Nest are hides for jumping spider. Similar to how sac spiders make sacs for when there inactive. Jumping spiders make nests for when there inactive. Nests are also used to house egg sacs


Sep 19, 2021
Jumping spiders will make nests just to sleep in, and sometimes will stay in until they are hungry again, or just in the mood to walk around. My sister’s Eris militaris is very reclusive, coming out every few days. But when it does, it will be very active for a few days.

If its in the nest for more than 7 days, it’s very likely in pre-molt. While it can take less time, it’s very likely if it’s over 7. (Unless they are already super reclusive.)
A lot of Jumpers make thick nests before molting, but it’s not uncommon to make just a thin one. My Platycryptus undatus made a thin molt nest, and I’ve seen 3 Eris militaris molt with thin nests. But alot make thick ones. View attachment 401074 View attachment 401075
This wild jumper molted with a thin nest. Picture taken 1 day after molt.
Nest are hides for jumping spider. Similar to how sac spiders make sacs for when there inactive. Jumping spiders make nests for when there inactive. Nests are also used to house egg sacs
Recently, Bijou made a thicker nest at the top of her enclosure and has been staying there basically all the time when she isn't hungry. I'm glad I checked back here and found these responses - it sounds like that's pretty normal. It makes sense, of course, if there is no reason to hunt, why waste energy exploring a place you are comfortable/familiar with.

I wondered at first, is she bored, or about to molt, or is this just what a spider that is comfortable in a familiar environment does? Sounds like its normal though, and she is also pretty reclusive and a coward lol. Always going back to her hidey-hole. But, she ventures out a short distance when she has sunlight. Just while I was writing this she wandered out for a stroll! So, doing great!

Here are some cute pics of her to enjoy:
Peeking out from her hidey-hammock.
The hidey-hammock itself. You can see her little paw at the right.
Posing on her acorn hide after a meal a few days ago.
Her beautiful little sparkley eyes after a meal.