Jumping spider help


Jun 26, 2022
Hello, I just got an i9 regal jumping spider from a breeder last week. When I first got her I gave her a day to get acclimated to her enclosure, and then the next day I tried to feed her(a cricket). She was interested but didn’t pursue it(I tried again yesterday and she seemed afraid of it(it was a small cricket) She move around her enclosure, but doesn’t really jump and hasn’t been drinking much. She’s made a nest as well. I had a jumping spider before her(a wild caught only for about a month) and a lot of her behavior is similar to that of premolt. But this has been going on for a week. Her abdomen is large which is good(she’s not starving). My question is: am I right in guessing that she’s in premolt and if so about how long will it last since she is i9? Or am I wrong and she is just not doing well? I am still very new to husbandry so any advice will be greatly appreciated!!



Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Could be premoult could be just taking a while to settle in . Try giving her more cover/decor around the enclosure I found mine does better in a more cluttered enclosure , all you can do is try again in a few days she will eat when she's hungry n if you are that bothered you can always try crushing the prays head so it can't escape your spider . Good luck with your little one 😊


Apr 30, 2021
She is not i9, she has an epigynum (female genitals) if my eyes are correct at that third photo. She will not molt, and if she retreats, is more likely laying eggs. Can you post a more in focus shot of her underside so i can confirm 100%?

Make sure shes drinking water, spiders of her size dont need to eat very often, so i wouldnt be too nervous until a month passes or she looks starving


Jun 26, 2022
She is not i9, she has an epigynum (female genitals) if my eyes are correct at that third photo. She will not molt, and if she retreats, is more likely laying eggs. Can you post a more in focus shot of her underside so i can confirm 100%?

Make sure shes drinking water, spiders of her size dont need to eat very often, so i wouldnt be too nervous until a month passes or she looks starving


Apr 30, 2021
Okay, it looks like its only the pre-form of an epigynum. It was quite blurry. Here is a fully formed one for comparison! So she might indeed be molting, if so itll be her very last molt!
If shes molting her final molt, she may take up to a month to come back out. She may come out periodically to eat or drink a bit, and then retreat again. Keep up the humidity to 80% if you can manage it, and if you are worried shes not fat enough to sustain her during her molt, prekill prey in the evening, and leave it nearby her hide that she could come quickly get it and go back in. Thats the way they typically behave during the molt, since they are much shyer and nervous about being seen and out.

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Jun 26, 2022
Okay, it looks like its only the pre-form of an epigynum. It was quite blurry. Here is a fully formed one for comparison! So she might indeed be molting, if so itll be her very last molt!
If shes molting her final molt, she may take up to a month to come back out. She may come out periodically to eat or drink a bit, and then retreat again. Keep up the humidity to 80% if you can manage it, and if you are worried shes not fat enough to sustain her during her molt, prekill prey in the evening, and leave it nearby her hide that she could come quickly get it and go back in. Thats the way they typically behave during the molt, since they are much shyer and nervous about being seen and out.

I View attachment 435764
Ok thank so much for your help I really appreciate it!! I’m realizing that maybe she’s not in premolt because she’s been fairly active recently, is there another she could not be interested in eating that I may need to be concerned about? Or is she most likely just not hungry?