Jumping Spider Egg Sac


Jul 4, 2023
Hello! I have been caring for a wild-caught jumping spider for a little over a month now. She has molted once and has consistently eaten a few crickets every few days. She has since created herself a little hammock, and I thought she was going to molt again however, she has placed a clutch of orange eggs at the very bottom of her hammock. I am happy to raise the spiderlings, I just need some advice. I do expect the egg sac to be fertile. I have included photos of her and her egg sac. I am unsure if I should raise them in the enclosure she is currently in or transfer them to a more secure enclosure like a cup.
If I end up keeping them in their current enclosure, I will be *tightly* be taping pantyhose to the outside of the enclosure's ventilation. I am unsure of what other steps I should take for them. Like if I should remove the plant (which is infested with thrips, I wasn't sure if that would help feed the spiderlings), the substrate and/or the brick I spray for drinking? I have included pictures of the current set up.
If I end up transferring them, do I transfer the mom and the babies and how do I go about that?

Any advice is super helpful! I am looking forward to this experience :)
(I also included the best photo I have of mom, she's eating a cricket, but it was before the only molt that she ever had with me.)


Veno Manus

Active Member
May 16, 2023
I'd suggest removing the egg sack. You gotta be gentle but you'll have micro spiders everywhere. It'll be really hard to keep track of them if you leave them in an enclosure that has stuff. I separated them into a enclosure with a damp paper towel at the bottom.

Veno Manus

Active Member
May 16, 2023
I just found these at the dollor store and made a ton of vertical and horizontal holes. Made a bigger whole to put a funnel in. Then I just feed them through that with a piece of cut foam as a cork. Cut price of paper towel and soak it. They have been really digging this apparently

