Jumping Spider DKS


Nov 29, 2022
Hi! I know this post is probably dead and this is a far stretch anyway, but I have a regal jumping spider who had a couple of molts left (says breeder). There is not any GOOD information on treatment of DKS caused by fipronil (frontline topical) for these tiny friends. I am not experienced at all and do not know much about tarantulas except they too can be poisoned and have this pop up. Is there any hope? My girl has had it for weeks. She has not eaten, but she is not thin yet. I give her honey/water on a qtip and offer almost dead food that can’t escape a lot. She has worsened and can barely walk without issue now. I have kept her in sunlight or with her uv lamp during the day and have taken everything away that could have hurt her. I really want to save her and don’t know if it’s possible or I should just end it for her. Is there anything I can do? And yesssss, all the jumping spider breeders and enthusiasts seem to not understand DKS. 0AA1E88D-B8DD-49CA-907A-DE42C7F1EA87.jpeg


Dec 9, 2022
I'd say to check out the jumping spiders subreddit someone there probably knows


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
Frontline contamination killed my entire first collection of spiders. I'm sorry I can't help you more, but just wanted to leave this info. Just some things to consider if you own dogs and bugs at the same time.

You can message me PM at any time if you need any advice. I understand how knowledge of DKS is limited, as DKS is really a broad term for a variety of things, but in our context, most of it is usually tied to poisoning. The only solution so far is to shield our bugs from any possible contact with poisons. There is no cure, it is usually fatal.

IDK what jumping spider breeders you refer to, but if they don't know what DKS is, they need to f*cking quit and leave the spiders alone if they don't know how to care for them. "DKS" as a broad problem is a real thing. I encourage you to shame those breeders who deny DKS on this forum and elsewhere.
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