Jumper cliff hanger

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Looking out an upstairs windows I observed a jumper rappel from the corner of the roof. About 7 feet down, inches from the porch roof, the wind caught it. Out it goes, sailing like a kite, more or less sideways. Only about 5 feet away I can clearly see it freeze. A good minute later it started making frantic little movements. Didn't seem to know what to do. Tried to go back up a little, an inch or two, then the breeze kicked up more and it is swinging back and forth. This went on for about five minutes. I was about to go find a stick and help it to land when by dumb it swung far enough for the web to snag the porch roof. Instantly it dashed up the line - just a few inches and was onto the roof then zoomed under a roof tile. Enough excitement for one day, I guess. I'm going to assume jumpers are not big on ballooning and those carefree trips across the sky.



Old Timer
Jul 12, 2011
Your story reminded me of the film "Cliffhanger" and like tales of extraordinary peril for humans. In other animals these struggles must be routine challenges. I suppose our brains have saved us from the law of the jungle and a daily live-or-die kind of existence, but our brains introduce new struggles.
I believe some Salticidae species spiderlings do balloon considerably, but adults less so, and I agree with your assessment that this spider was having difficulty achieving a good outcome. That you would be inclined to help such a creature, which has no capacity for gratitude and no mechanism to reciprocate, that must then be true altruism?
There's never a good Snark around when you need one 👍

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
That you would be inclined to help such a creature,
Maybe not as much benevolent compassion and altruism and pure knee jerk response. I was on the ropes hoisting a stokes up a cliff when I came down with the low blood sugar blues. Legs shaking and quaking, forcing myself to keep up with the rest of the team while I discovered how much lactic acid my leg muscles could build up. I wouldn't wish that slice of agony on anybody, human or otherwise,
(Snerk. Washing a Mars bar down with a bottle of ringers lactate. Yum.)
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