Jinx, The Love Kitten


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
I'm a bleeding heart when it comes to animals... it can't be denied, so I don't even try to deny it. After working at shelters and vet offices, I was able to desensitize myself enough to watch animals come and go. I knew I couldn't save them all.

However, some animals just get past all your defenses.

I watch petfinder.com sites for local shelters, usually to give a heads-up to other rescuers. The other day I saw a litter of tiny 4-5 week old kittens dumped at a high-kill shelter in a neighboring county. It's not the shelter's fault that they have to euthanize so many animals- they have EXTREMELY limited space and practically no resources, so they even give the animals away for free just to keep them alive.

So after I saw these kittens, something told me I had to go there. When my fiance finally agreed, I made the hour-long trip to a tiny building with no A/C and only one staff member. I walked in and saw the litter of little furballs, dirty and covered in fleas and all huddled in a corner. When I approached the cage, a single kitten walked up to me- a tiny orange tabby boy. I opened the cage and scratched his ear, and he started purring and practically fell over for chin scratches and a belly rub.

The worker told me that the litter was being put down that day (along with 3 older kittens) to make room for incoming animals. I KNEW my fiance would kill me if I came home with 7 tiny kittens, so I scooped up the little orange fluffball and drove back home. It hurt to leave the rest behind, but at least someone would get out alive.

He's tested negative for FIV/feline leukemia, and has now been dewormed (he has a horrible pot-belly from roundworms). I've given him several baths to remove the crusted blood and evil fleas from his coat. After a few good meals, he's actually starting to play with me and one of our other cats. He cries when he wants attention, and quickly falls asleep when he gets it.

Meet "Jinx", the newest member of the clan:

"Jinx", being greeted by one of our other cats, "Jekyll":


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Man that's cute! And a good cat deed!
I hope he makes it back to good health in no time, it sure seems he's a long way now! :)


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
He should bounce back quickly. I swear he's grown since yesterday!!! :D

On a more controversial note, we now have several friends who think we're insane... They were already creeped out by the 30 tarantulas. But now our 823 square foot apartment is home to 30 tarantulas, 2 chinchillas, 1 dog, and now FOUR cats. I must look like an animal horder..... :8o

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
What about my 100 square foot for 1 cat, 24 Ts, 3 scorps, two roach colonies, and 21 snakes + still running incubator? :D All in the same, one and only main room... though the snakes sound worse than they are. 18 are babies.

Funny thing when I got my cat - it was about 5 weeks old when I first met him (hes orange too). I picked him up on my hand and held him up. He sniffed my fingers for a few seconds, than curled up and fell asleep... on my hand. I've never seen anything cuter. A near contestant is that time (about 12 weeks old) I laid down to sleep when he climbed up on me and curled up on my troat to sleep. They are too cute when they're little!


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
I have two rooms, not big rooms, med size rooms.

bearded dragon, indoor 45 ga pond, 3 whitestreesfrogs, amazon parrot, 5 T's, 1 scorp, 8 button quail, 5ga tank, 30ga tank, 16 ga nano reef, pacman frog, hairless rat, uromastyx, 2 eyelash geckos, 3 cats, 1 dog.

I don't horde them unless you consider my willingness to accept creatures that people do not want anymore, or drop off at your petstore (and now begining FRONT DOOR to my house).

I am so cramped for space the T's live in the bathroom. I have a sign on the door stating beware of deadly creepy crawley bugs, always check the TP roll.
If i really want to make one of my guy friends scream like a girl (or go outside) I tell them I lost my H. maculata in there a few weeks ago, and she was getting ready to lay eggs....

I used to work at a vet clinic, I have been temped to bring home the animals that have been abandoned at the doorstep, hit by car, thrown through the window of a car doing 70 and running from the cops (the owners were doa), parvo puppies, ferrets with adrinal disease and anything that lives at the animal shelter across the street. I refuse to go in there anymore. I go to my local petstore and they always have something for me to take home and nurse back to health, or something someones dropped off. Last time it was 2 brown anoles that had hitchicked from FL in a spare tire in someones truck. AAArgh I can't leave the house without animals being fourced on me. AND I'm trying to move to Cali for a gaming progamer job, or go back to college! *sigh* If no one wants it the funny girl with the red hair will take if off of your hands.... I feel like I can't even go out to get crickets anymore, so I just mail order all my food now.

I feel your pain.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Thats great your rescued him. I rescued a cat named Jinx and gave him to a neighbor, and despite his name he is the friendliest of all my neighbors cats and the most popular. :)


Old Timer
Mar 28, 2006
i forgot all about this thread! i wanted to put up a couple pictures to show how this little guy has turned out.

his official name is now "jinx the lord of chaos" because he gets into everything.



Old Timer
May 14, 2005
orange tabby's are awesome.................some of you ladys remind me of my mom:eek:



Old Timer
Oct 10, 2003
Oh man, he is just ridiculously cute. Are you sure he wasn't genetically engineered in a lab? ;)


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
Awwwwww he is just so cute! What a wonderfull addition to the family! I got a Manx mix kitten from the shelter last weekend. Hope he eventually gets along with my dogs. I have a very active German Shorthaired Pointer that won't leave him alone. I think he wants to play with Oliver. He pesters him, but the cat is finally getting to the point he lets the dog touch him and sniff him. And BTW, hi there pinkzebrabooty! Its been a while. I moved from NJ to CA last May.
