I'm a bleeding heart when it comes to animals... it can't be denied, so I don't even try to deny it. After working at shelters and vet offices, I was able to desensitize myself enough to watch animals come and go. I knew I couldn't save them all.
However, some animals just get past all your defenses.
I watch petfinder.com sites for local shelters, usually to give a heads-up to other rescuers. The other day I saw a litter of tiny 4-5 week old kittens dumped at a high-kill shelter in a neighboring county. It's not the shelter's fault that they have to euthanize so many animals- they have EXTREMELY limited space and practically no resources, so they even give the animals away for free just to keep them alive.
So after I saw these kittens, something told me I had to go there. When my fiance finally agreed, I made the hour-long trip to a tiny building with no A/C and only one staff member. I walked in and saw the litter of little furballs, dirty and covered in fleas and all huddled in a corner. When I approached the cage, a single kitten walked up to me- a tiny orange tabby boy. I opened the cage and scratched his ear, and he started purring and practically fell over for chin scratches and a belly rub.
The worker told me that the litter was being put down that day (along with 3 older kittens) to make room for incoming animals. I KNEW my fiance would kill me if I came home with 7 tiny kittens, so I scooped up the little orange fluffball and drove back home. It hurt to leave the rest behind, but at least someone would get out alive.
He's tested negative for FIV/feline leukemia, and has now been dewormed (he has a horrible pot-belly from roundworms). I've given him several baths to remove the crusted blood and evil fleas from his coat. After a few good meals, he's actually starting to play with me and one of our other cats. He cries when he wants attention, and quickly falls asleep when he gets it.
Meet "Jinx", the newest member of the clan:
"Jinx", being greeted by one of our other cats, "Jekyll":
However, some animals just get past all your defenses.
I watch petfinder.com sites for local shelters, usually to give a heads-up to other rescuers. The other day I saw a litter of tiny 4-5 week old kittens dumped at a high-kill shelter in a neighboring county. It's not the shelter's fault that they have to euthanize so many animals- they have EXTREMELY limited space and practically no resources, so they even give the animals away for free just to keep them alive.
So after I saw these kittens, something told me I had to go there. When my fiance finally agreed, I made the hour-long trip to a tiny building with no A/C and only one staff member. I walked in and saw the litter of little furballs, dirty and covered in fleas and all huddled in a corner. When I approached the cage, a single kitten walked up to me- a tiny orange tabby boy. I opened the cage and scratched his ear, and he started purring and practically fell over for chin scratches and a belly rub.
The worker told me that the litter was being put down that day (along with 3 older kittens) to make room for incoming animals. I KNEW my fiance would kill me if I came home with 7 tiny kittens, so I scooped up the little orange fluffball and drove back home. It hurt to leave the rest behind, but at least someone would get out alive.
He's tested negative for FIV/feline leukemia, and has now been dewormed (he has a horrible pot-belly from roundworms). I've given him several baths to remove the crusted blood and evil fleas from his coat. After a few good meals, he's actually starting to play with me and one of our other cats. He cries when he wants attention, and quickly falls asleep when he gets it.
Meet "Jinx", the newest member of the clan:

"Jinx", being greeted by one of our other cats, "Jekyll":