Jenday conure


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I'm very close to adopting one of these and wanted to see pictures of these beautiful birds and their cage sizes..

Also any stories are good too.



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2005
Have you ever owned a parrot? You should think very hard about it and do a lot of research, they can be a really rewarding but demanding and high maintenance pet. Try to spend as much time as possible with it to get a feel for it's personality, go to pet stores and check out others to compare, they can be really sweet or miserable brats. Conures in general can be personable and playful but are also know for being noisy. I've owned a Hahns macaw for 20 years and quite often question if I would have done it if I knew then what I know now...



Old Timer
Dec 10, 2008
My wife and I have a Jenday, and he is simultaneously one of my most and least favorite pets. We were actually given the bird so we knew going into it that he probably had personality problems.

He is LOUD, incredibly LOUD! If everything is going his way and his is content he is a quiet calm loving bird. However if a new person comes over, or just someone he plain doesn't like (my sister and the only reason we can tell he doesn't like her is her hair color) he will scream and if he gets the chance make a dive at them. If he runs out of his favorite food (we feed pelleted with seed and fresh fruits/veggies on alternating days) he screams until the situation is corrected (if he is hungry, he doesn't just scream for food constantly).

He is NEEDY, incredibly NEEDY! As soon as walk in the door from work he flies over and lands on my head and starts trying to take my hat off. When I sit at the table he sits on my shoulder and tries to play with my fork. When I am doing something he has to be were he can see me or it drives him crazy. This goes on until we put him up at night. He thinks he HAS to be out of his cage during the day, and that is fine for the most part he normally just sits on his cage (which is huge 4'x2'x2') but if something catches his eye here he comes.

He doesn't like change, AT ALL! If my wife wears glasses instead of the normal contacts here comes Tiki trying to take them off.

At the same time he is a good bird, he loves to play and is generally a good pet. We have had him for 3-4 years now and when we first got him he hated men period, but he is over that now. He also used to scream constantly, he is mostly over that. HOWEVER these changes to his behavior took YEARS of patience. When we moved it was MONTHS before he was comfortable and generally calm again.

These birds call when it is morning, and evening as part of a flocking instinct, Tiki is no exception. If you can't take some screaming don't get this bird. My wife stays at home so he is able to be out all day, but if we both worked he would be a unholy terror if he had to stay up for 8 - 10 hours a day.

Just research...and find someone with one in their home you can visit. There is a reason Petco keeps these guys behind thick glass....


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
A friend if mine has a sun conure I'm always over there so I'm used to the noise. It flies all the time and likes every now.

Either way the noise will never be an issue.

And the bird will have a bunch of time to spend with me

what name brand food do people buy from pet stores?


Old Timer
Dec 10, 2008
This is what we use zupreem though we just get it in a pet store not from that site. We supplement with a seed mix and fresh fruits and veggies (he loves cucumbers).