Jell-o and Jelly

Love to Foxtrot

Old Timer
May 11, 2003
Yesterday I received one of my early birthday presents, two large White's tree frogs! My birthday is on the 28th, but the pet store would not hold the frogs for that long, so I went ahead and brought them home. I have no idea what sex they are, but they are more than likely both female. The larger one is named Jelly, and the slightly smaller one is Jell-o because of the way they feel when you pick them up!=D I have wanted this species for a while now, so I am thrilled to have them, but I have some questions about their permanent set-up. They are in temporary housing now(10 gallon tank w/locking screen lid) with some moss on white paper towels for flooring until tonight and a water dish. I have fed them some giant mealworms, and they loved them. I am thoroughly misting the tank twice a day and dampening the moss. They are not super active, but I can hear hopping at night. My main questions are, what should I use for permanent bedding, how much/how often/what different foods should I feed them, and how high should the humidity be kept? They were on bark chips at he store, but I am wary of ingestion. It did not seem very humid in their tank in the store, and I have been told different levels of humidity to maintain. Lastly, I was told to feed them two dozen crickets a week, does this sound reasonable? They were kept with another White's and two Euro green toads, so the pet store employee said that he would just "toss in a few dozen crickets a week and whoever caught them would eat." Hmm. I want to maintain good weight with them, and neither are obese, in fact the larger one could use a little more weight. Any recommendations? Thank you.



Old Timer
Jul 24, 2002
Congrats Aubrey!!

Great!:D I love those of the worlds best!:D I have male, and one female. They live in a 40 gal. breeder tank, with a pool and a water fountain. They love to bathe. I do not hear many say this, but this is my exp. I use outdoor carpet for get it at home depot. Not the astro-turf stuff, the soft felt type. The only disadvantage is not retaining humidity well. You can try spaghnum moss carpet, if you can find this anywhere near you. It retains humidity well.

But in my exp., they are not very humid sensitive, just mist once a day or so, and have a fresh bathing pond for their water needs. I feed mine strictly crickets, and supplement them about once a week, with calcium, multi-vit. (Rep-cal.) But I give them wax worms sometimes. Do not over feed the meal worms, though it is not much of a worry, they are kinda hard to digest. If they are really hungry, they can eat too many, and have a hard time digesting and possibly have problems with impaction, though this is rare, and usually because of over feeding. They love the wax worms!!:D Sounds like you are doing great with the diet, if you do not see them pick up weight like you want, just kick it up a bit, and give them an extra dozen or 2 a week. They have huge appetites! :eek: I have had mine for about 2 years, they are about 3 inches, and they live together like an old married couple. The male barks like a bulldog, and you just cannot avoid hearing it wherever you are in my house. You will love it when they do that!!:D If you are really concerned about humidity, you could always close part of the top with plexi- glass, though I have not needed to do this. Have fun with your frogs!!:)


Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
Here is a tip my friend gave me.
Use a straw from a broom and spear the cricket, then give it
directly to each frog. This way you know how much each one is eating. If you just dump in crickets, one may not get enough food.

I have fire bellied toads and I did this for the first few weeks I had them. I only feed them every other day.
Now that they are older, each one hunts their food, I just
toss in the crix and they do just fine. You can use rep-cal dust
on the crickets, thats what I use too.

Basic cage idea:

A suitable size tank
large water dish (this is easy to clean)
some type of cage carpet
A nice branch to climb on
And of course, a secure lid

A friend of mine also feeds hers regular old worms, they love them. Get the ones from your local bait shop. For that matter
you can get the wax worms and the crix there to. You will probably find that the prices are better than any pet shop.