It's about time.

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Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Her last moult was on 5-17-2008.
She was breed with male on 8-13-2009 and on 8-27-2008.
The first male matured on 8-01-2008.
She was breed again with second new male on 9-07-2008 and on 9-17-2008.
Second male matured on 8-23-2008.
This is my 12 B.Smithi egg case this winter.
I breed 14 different female 5 different males.All males were raised by me.No
loaners.I raise all my males.I never have any luck using barrowed males.
Because I like to know the real history of males I use.Alot of people will tell
you what you want to hear hoping to get 50% of your slings.Theres a big
difference between a male thats 1 month old and 1 thats 4 month old.I never
produced a fertile egg case using a barrowed male.Unless it was a good friend.
I kind of gave up on her producing a egg case a month or two ago.I only
breed females that are 10 to 18 weeks from there last molt.I don't wast time
breeding females that are 5 month or more frm there last molt.I have 27 adult
female B.Smithi's and 3 other young adult females that I have not breed yet.
If you do it right.Theres no luck in breeding.I still have 2 females that might
produce a egg case.But it's been more then 5 months since thay were breed.

I don't want to stress her out by taking more pictures now.She just droped
her eggs and she covering them with web.I will update the picture in a
couple of days.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
This is my 12 B.Smithi egg case this winter.
Were they are fertile? If so you are saying you have 10,000+ (conservative guess) smithi at your place right now? If that is the case you have your hands full! I had two sacs that totaled over 2,000 slings and I thought I had created my own mini hell with all that feeding and watering.:wall: I can’t imagine having potentially 12,000-15,000 slings to care for at the same time. :eek: I actually can’t imagine it happening at all. {D
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Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Ryan
I sell my Smithi egg cases to a wholesaler for $225. each.The day thay start
feeding.I don't have to feed,seperate or rehouse them.It's the best deal in
town.I could not tell you how many are in any egg case.Because I don't have
to count them.All I know is that the wholesaler sell them in 100 lots for $100.
and took 11 egg cases this year and he will take this one too.He will take the
2 egg case from the 2 other females i'm waiting on.He sell them over sea
dealers for $1. and thay sell them 2 or 3 euros.I get different prices for
different species Smithi Emilia are the cheapest.Everybody makes money and
I go out when I want.Because I don't have to stay up all night feeding slings.
No fess breeding.Ryan I new you were going to take a shot as soon as I made
this post and I was right.Why don't you try helping members.Insted of taking
cheap shot at them.Like I seen you do so many times in the past.Insted of
insulting members.Try helping members.Insted of trying to make them feel
foolish.To the member out there that need help.You can PM me any time and
I'll do the best I can to answer your questions without making you feel foolish.
To Mr Know It All.I forgot more about about breeding then you will ever know.
Ryan don't post me back.Because I wont answer you back.Anyone else I would
be happy to here from you.

PS:No fuss breeding.
Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
That is what I have been doing the same thing lately it is just easier that way. They molt into feeding slings and are gone within the week, no hassle no fuss.

It took me 7+ months to get rid of my two sacs in whole sale lots to anyone and everyone for $5.00 with no minimum order at a time when smithi slings were going for $15-25 each depending on where you looked. Some of my lots went for much cheaper then that too.
Pretty awesome that you that you have moved 5 times that amount in a 10th of the time. Hmm I wonder why the smithi prices have not dropped much over the winter with 10,000+ newly born slings in the US this winter alone. :confused:

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Picture update

This picture is of her and her eggcase.It's a big egg case.

Satellite Rob
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Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
No I don't.I don't have to prove myself to anyone.Anyone that knows me
will beleave me.But I do have the money.I don't have to take pictures of
meaningless egg cases.I just happen to catch this one and since I just got
new Nikon D60 camera a couple of weeks ago.That was the only reason I
took pictures of this one.Anyway GoTerps you have a great day.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
.Ryan I new you were going to take a shot as soon as I made
this post and I was right.Why don't you try helping members.Insted of taking
cheap shot at them.Like I seen you do so many times in the past.Insted of
insulting members.Try helping members.Insted of trying to make them feel
foolish.To the member out there that need help.You can PM me any time and
I'll do the best I can to answer your questions without making you feel foolish.
To Mr Know It All.I forgot more about about breeding then you will ever know.
Ryan don't post me back.Because I wont answer you back.Anyone else I would
be happy to here from you.
I don't see where I took a shot at you, all I did was compare how long it took me to sell a fraction of the slings you have and asked why the smithi price had not dropped with your massive production of the species this winter.

But now that you mentioned it I flat out don't believe you. But that is besides the point, your attitude toward my posts is a little out of line. If you have been doing this since 1989 like your profile says then how come the only thing you have posted in an FS section the entire 9 months you have been on this site are the brachypelma baumgarteni slings/juvies you "produced"? And interestingly enough not one person has come out from the wood work to say they have bought 100's of smithi from you let alone 1000's of them.

My pm box fills up of 200 pms fills up almost every day because I try to take the time and answer every person that asks me something, and if they ask me something I don't know I tell them I don't know. Many people buy trade and sell to me on a regular basis and know that I am someone worth dealing with. So Rob please stop trying to paint a negative picture about my character you don't know anything about me. You dislike me because I ask for simple things from you like photographs and you can't seem to produce them.

Since I started with online forums and got a camera do you know what I do when someone questions what I have produced? I post a picture! Can't really argue with that now can you?

But I do have the money.
I just happen to catch this one and since I just got
new Nikon D60 camera a couple of weeks ago.
Does your camera indicate how much money you have or were you just letting us know you had money when no one asked? {D The D60 is a decent learning camera though. ;)

I don't have to take pictures of
meaningless egg cases.I just happen to catch this one
Meaningless egg cases...........interesting point of view you have there. :rolleyes:

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
I won't tell you how many egg cases I produced this year.Because you will
just tell me lying.I stopped posting on your on your threads.Because I didn't
want to have anything to do with you.Your just a newbie that thinks he no's
everthing and maybe you just don't know when your being a jerk.After my
last post to you.I recieved some PM's and emails from members who don't
like you.Thay thanked me for speaking my mind and wish more people would
do the same.You wouldn't beleave how many people don't like you.Your
arrogant,nasty and cruel to many members.Sure you have a small group of
friends that you don't trash to bad.I bet somebody twenty buck you were
going to be the next post.Just because of the post before this one.So thank
you for being so predicable.I wont take the twenty bucks from my friend.
Because last time we this happened.The same person posted just before you
came back at me.It makes me so happy you wasted your day with this.You
got your trays,containers and slings set up so nice.Next time you should get
a different system and maybe a second friend.That may be a problem.Do you
have another friend?Well thank you for wasting your day and giving me a
great night.I wasn't kidding about laying off the members and treating them
with a little more respect.Please stay off my threads and I'll stay off yours.I
had about as much fun as I can handle.Don't post me back.Because I won't
answer.I still can't believe you fell for it. Ha.Ha.Ha.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Satellite Rob

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
Dude, all Ryan was doing was comparing the time he hatched out two smithi sacs and had to feed/water them, to what it would be like, to be in your shoes with that many smithi slings. Thats really it.

Me and Ryan started off on a bad foot to say the least, but in the long run, it doesnt even matter. He is a very respectful guy here and not so much of a "noobie" as you would think him to be. If anything, he may considerably be more experienced with breeding. BASED on what i have seen, and like previously said, you havent posted many things here, so I really wouldnt know what you've done.

All in all, this forum is for us enthusist's to experience the joys, failures, success, excitment, etc. that this hobby brings to us. Not to point fingers and act immature.

great job with the sac Rob. And I have my fingers crossed for you that it will be fertile.
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