Isopod culture: dying mancae?


Nov 14, 2018
I’ve got a culture of wild caught A. vulgare I thought I would try my hand at keeping before branching out into some of the more exotic species. I’ve had them for about a month, and earlier this week I noticed they started producing mancae, which I was really excited about. So I left them alone, checking on them again a couple of days later and noticed quite a few of them dead. And now, as of yesterday, I’m afraid they’re all dead. The adults seem nice and healthy, so I assume it has something to do with the humidity (or lack thereof) in the environment. I keep them on coco fiber, with moss on one end and give them plenty of sterilized leaves to eat and a piece of cork bark to hide under. The substrate is pretty evenly moist throughout the enclosure. Could it have been too moist for the babies? Or possibly too dry?


May 21, 2019
Well I’m not sure your substrate is the best coco fiber isn’t very nutritious, the babies need nutrients like protein, calcium for proper exoskeleton growth ( I use egg shells) and for sub I think you should use oak flakes or something along the lines of that, also veggies. So do the adults for that matter