Is this the most beautiful Spider ever ?

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Oct 20, 2004
I was at my Reptile/Spider Pet store this weekend and I had the most beautiful Spider in my hand I have ever seen.

Most people may laugh now but I fell in Love with this species right there.

G pulchra (how the feck did I miss out on these so far) man the hair look like silk and she was not aggressive at all.

It's kind of weired If I think back like only the idea of holding a spider that size would have not been comphy at all with her I was like ready to give her a little kiss ^^

He had some Slings in but what I really want is a juvenile or better adult female.

Looks like I have to wait a wile until I can get my hands on one of these babies but I will eventually.

Anybody got some pics off his/her G pulchra please post I have seen most of the posted once allready so if you got some new once please share them :)
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Old Timer
Oct 11, 2004
if you want some nice ones, go do an image search on Altavista and there will be quite a few. Silky black sexyness.


Old Timer
May 10, 2004
The forum for posting pics is >>here<< .

Maybe you have seen these already. Check out the G. alticeps. My personal favorite!


Old Timer
Jun 30, 2004
I'm with you!

Good choice!! :D :D

I love G pulchras and when you get one you won't be sorry.

Mine has the quirkiest personality! She's very active, always moving substrate and climbing around her tank. She's also quite clumsy and has a tendency to fall or flip over by accident!!! She's a very nosey spider, when I'm doing something in her tank (like filling the water) or even in the room (like putting the Hoover 'round) she comes out to see what's going on!

She's incredibly docile, so much so that this week when I put in a locust for a change (she normally has crickets) she automatically pounced but just when she was about to sink her teeth in she realised it wasn't a usual crick. She jumped back totally spooked and then stood there while the locust 'stroked' her with it's front leg. Craziest site I ever saw!!! She then slowly backed off palps up!!!

I put a crick in instead.

Here's mine;

She's called Tricks partly because of her crazy antics but also from Trick or Treat as I think she looks like a typical big black Halloween spider!!! They're beeeeautiful!!

Professor T

Old Timer
Apr 11, 2003
Nico said:
I was at my Reptile/Spider Pet store this weekend and I had the most beautiful Spider in my hand I have ever seen.

Most people may laugh now but I fell in Love with this species right there.

G pulchra (how the feck did I miss out on these so far) man the hair look like silk and she was not aggressive at all.
You know what they say, black is beautiful. I think my G. pulchra is very pretty, especially for a T that is after all... black. They are one of my top ten favorite Ts, however here are a few that I might consider more beautiful:
Avicularia versicolor
Brachypelma bohemei
B. emilia
B. smithi
Poecilotheria metallica
Psalmopoeus irminia
Pterinochilus murinus
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Old Timer
May 10, 2004
Very impressive pulchra, and nice pics!

But again, we do have a new forum (Tarantula Pictures) designed specifically for showing off such beautiful specimens. In the future, please try to post pics of the strict "appreciation" type there. If anyone has questions about which forum is appropriate for a post, feel free to PM me, or another moderator. We'll do our best to help you. Thanks, all!

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