I seperated a 10 gal tank yesterday with some plexiglass and silicone, and there was about a .5 inch seperation from the top, but i figured no grown T's could fit through it.
I put my H. lividum on one side, and H. albostriatum on the other. They are both pretty much full grown females.
This morning i woke up, and they had SWITCHED SIDES! At first i thought i was just mistaken, but i put them in there with their tanks (that i bought from Krazy8s) and they were named, now each one is on the opposite side. They didnt seem to attack eachother or anything, and i have no idea how they got throguht such a small space.
I put my H. lividum on one side, and H. albostriatum on the other. They are both pretty much full grown females.
This morning i woke up, and they had SWITCHED SIDES! At first i thought i was just mistaken, but i put them in there with their tanks (that i bought from Krazy8s) and they were named, now each one is on the opposite side. They didnt seem to attack eachother or anything, and i have no idea how they got throguht such a small space.