Is my Paragaleodes Pallidus 'Egyptian Fuzzy Solifugid' sick?


Old Timer
Jul 10, 2006
Are Paragaleodes pallidus suppose to be inactive and move very slow? He is also uninterested in the food I have given him in the last 2 weeks. I have given a cricket the first week but was uninterested, on the second week I have offered him a meal worm which he actually caught and started ripping into the meat but after ripping through he just dropped it. This is the third week and I have just put in a cricket and he was still uninterested.

He is in a small plastic container with about 2 inches of sand mixed with some coconut fiber when it was wet just to get it packed down a little harder, now dry. I jammed in a stick at an angle(mind you the container is round) and then put a slab of slate right behind it, kinda like a support beam. Well anyways he usually chills under the slate where he kind of dug out some sand to make some space. He looks healthy but doesn't act it, or I could be just paranoid as I don't have experience with a solfugid, this is my first one.

Sorry for the long post but can some one tell me what could be wrong or if nothings wrong at all and possibly they just don't have a big appetite?

thanks a lot


Old Timer
May 10, 2007
Are Paragaleodes pallidus suppose to be inactive and move very slow? He is also uninterested in the food I have given him in the last 2 weeks. I have given a cricket the first week but was uninterested, on the second week I have offered him a meal worm which he actually caught and started ripping into the meat but after ripping through he just dropped it. This is the third week and I have just put in a cricket and he was still uninterested.

He is in a small plastic container with about 2 inches of sand mixed with some coconut fiber when it was wet just to get it packed down a little harder, now dry. I jammed in a stick at an angle(mind you the container is round) and then put a slab of slate right behind it, kinda like a support beam. Well anyways he usually chills under the slate where he kind of dug out some sand to make some space. He looks healthy but doesn't act it, or I could be just paranoid as I don't have experience with a solfugid, this is my first one.

Sorry for the long post but can some one tell me what could be wrong or if nothings wrong at all and possibly they just don't have a big appetite?

thanks a lot
sure it's not about to lay eggs?


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2005
well i tell u when i had caught a solifugid a while ago from ethiopia he was fine for 4 months.... one day he stopped moving and became totally inactive.. this kind of hibernation lasted 3-4months for me.. in the end he finally molted and died soon after..... anyways there are two possibilities in my opinion: 1) he's about to molt, 2)solifuges hibernate during the cold season, or well become inactive, this might be your case.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
well i tell u when i had caught a solifugid a while ago from ethiopia he was fine for 4 months.... one day he stopped moving and became totally inactive.. this kind of hibernation lasted 3-4months for me.. in the end he finally molted and died soon after..... anyways there are two possibilities in my opinion: 1) he's about to molt, 2)solifuges hibernate during the cold season, or well become inactive, this might be your case.
sounds about like my best experience with these fellas.

i believe adult size is around 3"+/8cm+


Old Timer
Jul 10, 2006
Do solfugids like prey such as wax worms, super worms/giant worms, tomatoe horn worms??



Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Do solfugids like prey such as wax worms, super worms/giant worms, tomatoe horn worms??

i can't think of anything my soli's didn't eat... or at least mangle and play with =P

the tomato worms... might those have some sort of defense or toxic component to them? i real vaguely remember soemthing like that... but i could easily be mistaken