Is My Jumping Spider Just Molting? Or Should I Be Concerned?


Jan 7, 2023
Hey, y'all!

New (and concerned) jumping spider parent, here.

I just got my first Phidippus Regius on Sunday. Yesterday, Monday, she made herself a little web bed/hide and stayed in it all night. This morning, I checked and saw that she was still in her webbing, but I wasn't concerned (I figured it was probably pre-molt). As to be expected, the webbing is pretty thick, so it's a little hard to see exactly what's happening, but this is what's going on from what I can see:

When I got home from work, I noticed that it looked like she had molted while I was gone. The exoskeleton had been kicked off to the side, but she was still on her back in her webbing. This was around 3PM, it's around 11:30PM now, and she's still on her back.

I don't know if this is normal behavior for jumpers and I didn't want to disturb her too much, so I just left her to do her thing. However, when I looked just before posting this, I noticed that her front legs were starting to curl inward. I know my T's sometimes curl their legs in for a bit after molting, but I've never heard of this with jumpers.

I'm super concerned about a mismolt causing death curl. Should I take a breath? If she's probably fine, is there anything I can do to make the enclosure more comfortable for the molting process?

Any advice helps! Thanks!


Oct 20, 2019
It's not unusual for spiders to rest on their backs after the effort of molting! In my experience, if the spider has managed to complete the molt, it's out of the "danger zone" and should be perfectly fine. Most mismolts involve the spider being unable to molt completely and dying as a result of being stuck. I wouldn't be worried yet, just wait and see!


Dec 28, 2022
It's not unusual for mine to hunker down in their web for a few days after a molt, keep misting like normal, and should be ok.


Jan 7, 2023
Thank you all for your responses!

Turns out I was just paranoid. She molted perfectly and is out and about, looking for food. I have caught her upside down in that same web a few times, even after emerging, so maybe that's just what she likes, lol.

Thanks again!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I have caught her upside down in that same web a few times, even after emerging, so maybe that's just what she likes, lol.
Just to mention, spiders don't have inner ears - well, ears at all. There is no up or down for them as a human perceives it.