Is it mites?? What kind of mites?


Dec 5, 2015
lord above, there's little white bugs on one of my spiders.
Spider in question is a Dolomedes tenebrosus (Dark Fishing Spider). I was unable to capture very good footage because my phone was almost dead and refused to use flash. (TIL I can't use both hands and focus a phone camera) I deeply rue this fact and I wish I could have gotten better footage for you guys.

Still, here is a video of the offenders. (The most in-focus part is around 20 seconds in)
And here is a picture. I have circled some of the mites.
The spider is eating the last parts of his cricket and they are all over the remains of the cricket as well.

I have never seen them before today. Current steps taken-
  • Checked other spiders who had eaten crickets from same batch. Did not see anything. They seem peaceful, undisturbed, and mite free.
  • Checked substrate (cocofiber) in container, especially around and under water dish. Did not see anything.
  • Checked with friend at pet store, who sold me crickets. She told me she would check the bin tomorrow and let me know if there was anything weird.
  • Posted on Facebook page for Arachnoboards. Current theory is grain mites.
  • Have intentions to do a full substrate change for this particular spider tomorrow, and continue to keep an eye on him.
  • Moved his enclosure away from the other spiders.
I noticed him drumming his pedipalps around, like he was irritated and trying to flick something off. I inspected him closely and saw no mites on the spider. After this instance, I have not been able to find them. So I'm not sure if they came from the cricket, or if they've just been there and I'm just now noticing. It is worth noting that this spider is a wild caught, so they might have also come in on him.

My biggest concerns-
  1. Are they parasitic, or potentially harmful to my D. tenebrosus?
  2. What kind of mites are they, if not parasitic?
  3. Do I need to worry about them spreading to my other spiders and tarantulas, or potentially, my ball python?
  4. What steps should I take to eliminate them if they are harmful? My plans were to just make a new enclosure. This one is a cheese ball container and not exactly worth keeping.
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Dec 5, 2015
A few people on the facebook Arachnoboards page do think it's grain mites. I'm buying some cultures of isopods (white dwarf) to see what they do.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Those appear to be what is commonly called "grain mites". They are typically about0.5mm in length.

These are not the type of mites people talk about re BPs. BP mites are typically black,and they like ticks on a dog, and climb under the scales and attach themselves to a snakes soft skin.

You do need to worry about them spreading IF that container is near other Ts. They gravitate to moisture and IME T poop as well.

If you have a spare container, the easiest is to make a new container.

Ts are irritated by these mites. My GBB was irritated by them once. This was a result of a mite explosion over night. It doesn't take a long before a few turn into many hundreds-thousands.


Old Timer
Feb 24, 2013
Yes, these definitely look like grain mites. I've had luck (seemingly) ridding myself of them in the past by letting the impacted enclosures really dry out, wiping away/killing any visible mites on surfaces, and being hyper vigilant about leftover food, etc removal for a month or two... switching enclosures is probably quicker and more effective if you're open to it.