I keep mine in a small kritter keeper with a small tray full of dried oatmeal. Reptibark for a little flooring and some soaked paper towels balled up for moisture. I keep it in the basement..
I can get the full dozen to live for about two weeks that way.
get some roaches, not sure how big your T is so i'm not sure which species to suggest. but you'll have more than 1 T soon, no one can escape the grasp of the hobby ;P
IMO, the only time it's really worth breeding crickets is if you're breeding tarantulas as well and you need lots of very small crickets. If you attempt to breed crickets for one tarantula, you'll find yourself spending 20 times as much time on the crickets as you do with your spider!
If you plan on expanding your tarantula collection then I'd recommend getting some B. dubia or B. discoidales roaches and breed them. Roaches are easy and much cleaner than crickets, IMO.
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