Sorry to hear about your loss, just a couple months ago I lost a girl that had been with me for about 3.5 years. I was very attached to her and she loved it when we talked to her. She would perk up and come to the front of the cage so we could play with her. They're definitely much different than a hamster or gerbil. IMO they're 100% better and make excellent pets. I'll miss my wee Whipple...Rats are not exotic pets at all. The Norway rat (the same kind you see on city streets) has been domesticated for hundreds of years. They are actually more domesticated than hamsters and gerbils.
They are considered an unusual pet though. I have had many rats as pets. Our last one died about a month ago. They make great pets. They are social. They learn their names and will come when called. I would leave their cage open all the time and they never try to leave. They eat everything and each one has it's favorite food. They love BBQ. They love beer too.
I think they are the opposite of Tarantulas. Intelligent, social and need interaction. Best kept in groups of three. Rats.htm
I second that. I can't keep them away from my newcastle.They love beer too. Rats.htm
Sorry to hear about your loss, just a couple months ago I lost a girl that had been with me for about 3.5 years. I was very attached to her and she loved it when we talked to her. She would perk up and come to the front of the cage so we could play with her. They're definitely much different than a hamster or gerbil. IMO they're 100% better and make excellent pets. I'll miss my wee Whipple...
I agree. I've got 6 mice and 2 rabbits that have to go to a special vet cause they classify as exotics. I would say anything small and furry or scaley falls under this label.When I worked at an exotic animal clinic, they considered everything that wasn't a dog or cat exotic, including rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, and any other kind of small rodent that is commonly kept as a pet.