Interesting article


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
I think they got the facts correct, the right picture even. It's hard to believe that they can't remove them. Definitely a good reason not to stick your face in close.{D

This is the third time this has been posted however.:)

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Yes, you have to give them credit there. They did actually have the correct photo this time.


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
I should have known the article would have already been posted. These kinds of articles get posted pretty quick on this site. I guess we need to be more specific in the titles so the search function works.

Nevertheless, I wish I knew just how much exaggeration was in the article. I've never had urticating hair in the eyes but I can't imagine they wouldn't dissolve over time. Why try to pull them out? If the reporter didn't make it sound like a very bad experience there wouldn't be anything left in the article. Those really rare occurrences also happen. I was in Costa Rica last year black lighting and a good sized moth flew in my ear and climbed all the way to the ear canal. It happened so fast and was so uncomfortable I threw my flashlight and ran for help. My wife could see part of a wing and tried pulling it out with a tweezers. Each time she would pull it a quarter of an inch and it would run back in, causing a horrible pain. It eventually climbed so far in it was no longer visible. She poured water in my ear canal to kill it, but it didn't work. Meanwhile the moth was try to flap it's wings and I was begging for help. She finally poured vodka in my ear canal and killed the moth. (I'm glad we travel with some booze.) I had a plugged ear feeling for several days and had a doctor remove it when we got back to the states. Those weird things do happen.
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Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
I can't even imagine how uncomfortable that must have been!
Glad to hear it turned out okay.:)


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
I should have known the article would have already been posted. These kinds of articles get posted pretty quick on this site. I guess we need to be more specific in the titles so the search function works.

Nevertheless, I wish I knew just how much exaggeration was in the article. I've never had urticating hair in the eyes but I can't imagine they wouldn't dissolve over time. Why try to pull them out? If the repeorter didn't make it sound like a very bad experience there wouldn't be anything left in the article. Those really rare occureneces also happen. I was in Costa Rica last year blacklighting and a good sized moth flew in my ear and climbed all the way to the ear canal. It happened so fast and was so uncomfortable I threw my flashlight and ran for help. My wife could see part of a wing and tried pulling it out with a tweezers. Each time she would pull it a quarter of an inch and it would run back in, causing a horrible pain. It eventually climbed so far in it was no longer visible. She poured water in my ear canal to kill it, but it didn't work. Meanwhile the moth was try to flap it's wings and I was begging for help. She finally poured vodka in my ear canal and killed the moth. (I'm glad we travel with some booze.) I had a plugged ear feeling for several days and had a doctor remove it when we got back to the states. Those weird things do happen.
My cousing had this happen with a dragonfly once. She ended up going to the ER.


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
my favorite is the idiotic comments left below the article:rolleyes: