Injured Snake.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
Well I was checking up on my corn snake today and he has a rather nasty wound. His left eye looks like it was bitten by a mouse or perhaps something he tried to push himself under the drift wood funny and it fell on him, I dont know none of the items in his tank have been moved, But his left eye has a large gouge going down the top of it towards his nose and now just looks somewhat funny pushed to the wrong place probably, Its totaly glazed over in that oen eye and I'm pretty sure hes no longer able to see with it, his head is also party swollen on the neck region. I'm going to try and figure a way to get him to a vet but am short on cash any suggestions as to what I should do for him would be helpful.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I dont know how bad or deep its been hurt. Heres what I did for one of my snakes when I wounded it.. :(

My snake had gotten out of its cage (Drawer system) and I pulled the drawer out and it was under it :( I rolled it, smashed it, spindled and mutilated it. Poor guy had cuts and wounds all down his body. One on his eye like you mentioned. I got some hydrogen peroxide and cleaned him up then put some neosporin on his wounds for the next few days. They healed up very nicely and with the next shed his eye fixed itself. I had to help pop off the eyecap that had been wounded and he had a perfect eye underneath.

Hope all goes as easily for your snake. Its a helpless feeling not being able to do much for them.
Keep us posted.


Tim R.

Old Timer
Jan 4, 2003
I had a honduran tangerine retain an eye cap once. It went unoticed long enough to start an infection. I treated it with neosporin as well, it healed up nicely.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
Well thats a vote in incouragement, I've seen snakes missing an eye before that wouldn't eat :( the cut isnt deep enough to cut out his eye but it seems sufficiant enough to push the top part of his eye out of place and its also mishahpen abit, I'm trying to coninve my parents to take him to the vet :) but cash is short around here as usual. He still moves around a bit and isnt showing any signs of distress, just more of confusion from the lack of vision I presume.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
The eye on my snake was dented too. :( I was sure he would never see again. But glad to say, he is perfect despite my attempts to maul him.
I put mine in a moist snake bag... (moist ICU!!!) and put it in his cage to keep warm and that helped the dent come out a bit.. he still had a huge scratch on his eye and a slight dent but the biggest part of the dent did right itself.. Maybe try that.. and neosporin!!

Good luck