I'm seeing spots!!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006

In the sun!

In the shade!

Having FUN!!

Sashti is being raised up for the Super Dalmation project with L'il Abner and a couple other chicas... I think she has a little potential. ;)


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Shes purty!!
Try to breed spots OUT of leos and INto cresteds... whats this world coming to?? ;)

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Wow Aminah! That is one gorgeous crested, and great pictures! Is she one of the new borns? I wish my little crestie didn't lose it's tail :(


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks, you guys! :D Yeah... trying to get those spots to show up is a crap shot! {D Paul, this little chica was in a tank full of "duds" at a pet shop near us, and I just happened to look in there when I was waiting for the employee to get my feeders. I saw all the spots on the baby and started hyperventilating :eek: She was about 4 weeks old at that time... 11Apr07 ..and I'm guessing she's somewhere in the 7-8 month range now. I haven't weighed her recently, but she looks to be about 15+ grams... so she won't be ready for L'il Abner until 2009, probably. (I like them to start breeding at 2 years and/or 35+ grams, so I don't have to worry about any setbacks)

How did your baby lose its tail? I vaguely remember something... did you post about it? I have some babies here, if you want to do a trade. I don't mind frog butts, myself. (Hugo really doesn't mind... I fed Amra's tail to him when she dropped it and he loved it! He thought it was a superworm or something, I guess) We can either trade for babies or trade for spidey kids. :)

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Thanks, you guys! :D Yeah... trying to get those spots to show up is a crap shot! {D Paul, this little chica was in a tank full of "duds" at a pet shop near us, and I just happened to look in there when I was waiting for the employee to get my feeders. I saw all the spots on the baby and started hyperventilating :eek: She was about 4 weeks old at that time... 11Apr07 ..and I'm guessing she's somewhere in the 7-8 month range now. I haven't weighed her recently, but she looks to be about 15+ grams... so she won't be ready for L'il Abner until 2009, probably. (I like them to start breeding at 2 years and/or 35+ grams, so I don't have to worry about any setbacks)

How did your baby lose its tail? I vaguely remember something... did you post about it? I have some babies here, if you want to do a trade. I don't mind frog butts, myself. (Hugo really doesn't mind... I fed Amra's tail to him when she dropped it and he loved it! He thought it was a superworm or something, I guess) We can either trade for babies or trade for spidey kids. :)

Oh wow, congrats on the pick up. I'm sure she'll pop some nice babies for you:D I love the spots, there are soo many! Ruff ruff!

I'm not exactly sure how she lost it. I woke one morning to find it missing. I looked throughout the enclosure and finally found it burried in the substrate..:( I don't think she liked it..:rolleyes:

I will definately consider the trade for babies or spidey kids haha. :)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Oh wow, congrats on the pick up. I'm sure she'll pop some nice babies for you:D I love the spots, there are soo many! Ruff ruff!

I'm not exactly sure how she lost it. I woke one morning to find it missing. I looked throughout the enclosure and finally found it burried in the substrate..:( I don't think she liked it..:rolleyes:

I will definately consider the trade for babies or spidey kids haha. :)
Thank you, again! :D

It's strange... these little ones get spooked over the slightest thing and will bolt and drop their tail on instincts alone. It just happens. Maybe Penelope heard a "bump in the night" and thought the boogy man was after her :eek:

Amra showing off her "frogbutt"

...and her improving motor skills after the ant attack

"Momma says I'm still the prettiest girl.. frogbutt and all!"

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Thank you, again! :D

It's strange... these little ones get spooked over the slightest thing and will bolt and drop their tail on instincts alone. It just happens. Maybe Penelope heard a "bump in the night" and thought the boogy man was after her :eek:

Amra showing off her "frogbutt"

...and her improving motor skills after the ant attack

"Momma says I'm still the prettiest girl.. frogbutt and all!"

:eek: Stunning, is that a harlequin?

YOu know you may be right about the "bump in the night"..:eek: My kitty, Calypso, is very active at night and jumps on everything and anything. She's woken me up several times already, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the reason for Penelopes tail loss. :(


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Amra says, "thanky!" :D She's a harley-tiger with just a little cream. My favorite part about her, other than her spirit... is her "white crests" over her head area. It's almost like she has a little "tiara" on. :p

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Calypso didn't scare the baby and cause her to drop it... kitties are good for that. I have banned Aneesa from the "ROOM" for that very reason :embarrassed: