im getting a Acanthoscurria geniculata spiderling this friday never had a spiderling before or this species any tips?
its common name is a brazilian black and white not whiteknee
Congrats on the new tarantula. I think it's very funny that you assert what you think the common name for it is, though. Whiteknee is the more common name for A genic, but call it whatever floats your boat. my experience this species likes their substrate just a little moist. Quite a difference from most terrestrials. When mine's substrate dries out completely i find it sitting over its water dish.
Good luck, this is a wonderful will love it.
Medium moisture, feed it a lot and make sure it has enough substrate so it won't fall. Is this a sling or a big one?
This species is generally pretty easy to care for. They don't "thrive on neglect" like P. murinus but neither are they easy to kill like a baby Avic. Just watch your fingers. They're not highly defensive (usually) but they are VERY prey-aggressive. Meaning if they detect an intruder in their area they will tackle it and sink their fangs in just to see if it is food or not.
thanks for the input i was wrong on the genus name it is a Nhandu coloratovillosus. so ive heard these things are rare whats the deal with that i'm new to the tarantula world i just started six months ago and now im on my third T
Small vial, mist once or twice a week, and feed once a week.
Also, never leave un-eaten prey in their enclosures, because since they molt often at this size, your T can actually become a cricket or roach's meal...
(Dead kill halves or legs work better)
Best of luck and oh, you should get a genic... They rock!
I love mine!!!!They are amazing how much they eat and never a disappointement especially when they get past little sling size. I've had mine for 7 or 8 yrs and shes huge, we call her Large Marge. Shes big enough to eat mice, but I can't bring myself to feed a mamal to a spider. She molts once a yr now and is mature. Shes out in the open most the time and often climbs the side of her tank trying to get out. I do worry about her falling and injuring herself. When she was smaller we took her out for pics and had her crawling on us, but at this sz, its too dangerous for her and she kicks lots of hairs which I have a big reaction to now. Don't remember if shes ever shown a threat posture, she usually walks away quickly and hides in her log. The big ones take a long time recovering after a molt before they eat again, but as slings, I found her more like any other sling thats active and eats a lot. Hope you can get lots of real small crickets to feed yours. Good choice and pretty easy to raise!!!:clap:
I've kept both and personally I like N. colora... better anyway. Care and temperament is more or less the same as A. genic. Expect fast growth and lots of appetite.
yeah i found it a local pet store called mark's ark, great store
they had couple selling them for a low price. my rosea cost more than my new Nhandu coloratovillosus. im excited just curious how do you check the humidity on a small spiderling?
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