Illegal Tarantulas


Jan 22, 2012
The exotic laws and bylaws are so variable from region to region and country to country, and few people outside the exotic pet community really know or care about these laws. I saw overnight in a city I used to live in my collection go from legal to illegal :eek:. Now I live in a rural area where currently no one is telling me what I can and can't have in terms of tarantulas. Those I know with tarantula collections that still live in the city have ignored the new laws and continue to expand their collections as it suits their whims. I wonder how often exotic laws are followed, if at all. I think we all know the risks of habouring "illegal" animals with getting our collections seized or worse, but what can be done? Not everybody has the luxury to pick where they live, or pick up and move without a second thought. How "legal" should it be to lose your pets or the place you live because of ignorance?


Oct 27, 2011
Here in the US most people don't realize the "venomous" ordinances that are in the law books in almost every populated area cover tarantulas. By definition tarantulas possess venom, so if you live in a town with venomous laws, your collection is illegal and could be seized at the whim of the local government. There are so many laws that it is hard to keep up with them all, it is difficult to keep up with the letter of the law even when trying to. We live in dangerous times.


Sep 20, 2013
The law here is that you can have up to 30 legally without having to register. When u go above 30 u need to get some sort of licence dat permits u to keep and breed venomous animals. I have 32 tarantula's i think and no i have not registered :biggrin: