Idiot Survives "Attack" By Rattlesnake


Old Timer
May 1, 2004


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2011
Good thing he shot it with his pistol so it wouldn't viciously attack other people. That poor man. ;)


Old Timer
May 20, 2011
Honestly, a lot of people, especially in his generation, believe that opening the wound to let the venom bleed out or even sucking it out are exceptable first response medical treatments for envenomations. Keep in mind that there is a difference between ignorant & stupid. This man was doing something that he thought would help him because he didn't know any better thus making him ignorant. Now had he have been provoking the snake or even trying to handling it, then I would consider him stupid & say that he got what he deserved.


Jun 26, 2012
I have had a lot of people who I consider intelligent in other areas of life tell me that the appropriate first response is to "suck out" the venom from the bite. These are urban myths, and they can be dangerous - possibly leading to a badly infected wound in this case. I am always bewildered by the ignorance of the general public when it comes to snakes, other reptiles and invertebrates.

Whenever someone finds out I keep pet snakes, almost half the time I instantly get the question - "are its fangs removed? Is it still poisonous??" I go through the whole lecture - no, this species is harmless, and the term is venomous, not poisonous. I get the same question about my tarantulas all the time. This sort of ignorance is a lot of what drives criticism of the hobby.


Sep 13, 2011
Whenever someone finds out I keep pet snakes, almost half the time I instantly get the question - "are its fangs removed? Is it still poisonous??" I go through the whole lecture - no, this species is harmless, and the term is venomous, not poisonous. I get the same question about my tarantulas all the time. This sort of ignorance is a lot of what drives criticism of the hobby.
I mentioned to a lady at work one day that I had kept Ts and scorps and she then decided to make the snide/ ignorant statement about me making bombs in my basement too............People are morons.


Aug 26, 2010
I mentioned to a lady at work one day that I had kept Ts and scorps and she then decided to make the snide/ ignorant statement about me making bombs in my basement too............People are morons.
What the? How do you go from Scorps to Bombs?


Jul 9, 2012
I'm sure "stabbing" the venom out is what saved him. *Facepalm*

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Cutting an X over the fang punctures was the prescribed method of treating a snake bite for many years. It was in the Scouting handbooks. This was modified to cutting an X the full depth of the skin 1/2 inch towards the heart of the bite. Snake bite kits were sold giving these instructions along with suction bulbs to draw the venom out with. The first responder text books had the same information. It wasn't until the mid to late 70s that this was dropped and 'ice, treat for shock and transport' was implemented.

Entire generations were raised with the slash yourself misinformation and that is still commonly passed on to this day in some areas.

As an FYI,
The correct method for treating snake bites
(After removing the snake, please)
-Get the patient to lie down and remain as calm as possible. Keep the bite location at or below the heart level if possible.
-Cover the bite location with a cloth and apply ice. Ice the entire area if possible. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
-Apply a venous tourniquet several inches above the bite if possible. A venous tourniquet does NOT restrict the pulse. A pulse should be felt below the bite site, (lateral peripheral). It is only for restricting the flow of venous blood back to the heart. If the bite is in an arm or leg: 'Pinking', squeezing the finger or toenails and seeing the color return to the nail beds shows there is still a pulse. If you don't understand this, don't use one.
-If at all possible, identify the snake. This is critical for administering the correct anti-venin.
-Transport immediately keeping the patient calm and lying down. If possible, contact the hospital en route. Best is to speak directly to the emergency room: "We are transporting a snake bite victim to your facility. Our arrival time is approximately ____. "
-Keep track of the time when the bite occurred.
-Do not administer anything, food, drinks, or other by mouth.
-Take vital signs if possible. Check pulse and respirations per minute and keep track of them.
-Watch fors: Restriction to breathing or significant slowing of breaths drawn. Neurological symptoms: shaking, shivering, convulsions, eyes rolling back. Vomiting: Maintain the patients airway!!
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005


Mar 30, 2012
:eek:oh:Oh geez! Sorry! That's what I get for not reading all of the comments.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
:eek:oh:Oh geez! Sorry! That's what I get for not reading all of the comments.
Not your fault. I was adding that in as you posted.

ADDITIONAL BITE INFO> What you are trying to accomplish with treating a patient for a bite is to restrict the venom from spreading through the body. Keeping the patient calm and lying down, the constricting band-venous tourniquet and ice all help. For some reason, the possibility of frostbite or localized tissue damage has removed using ice from this list. I still use it, it is very effective, and one of the first things they will do in an ER is ice the bite site. Duhhhhh. You see, as in that video, lay persons can be a little stupid. In the case of that video, ice, a 12 pound block delivered to the guys head at significant speed would be in order. :)