identifying my pet jumping spider


Apr 9, 2024
(i hope these are passable photos, i only have a phone camera w/o a macro lens)

hello, i got my first jumping spider months ago from a store in Capitola, CA. they sold her to me as a phiddipus regius, and i took them at their word cause i didn't know much about jumping spiders. recently though, i noticed that her abdomen pattern does not look like a regal's.


i don't know her age or origin because the pet store didn't, they said they got her from some breeder as a juvenile. have not identified her sex either. i will try to get in contact with the pet store soon to ask about the breeder but not sure if they'll remember this particular spider.
i've asked around to identify her, and have not gotten any confident answers yet, besides her most likely being a phiddipus and not a regius.

so is anyone able to identify this gal? i'm really curious what species she is. i attached a bunch of photos of her



Oct 21, 2023
Looks like an audax to me too. You can see on the abdomen that there are shiny and matte patches.
The care is the same for audax and regius so you shouldn't have to change your husbandry.
Figuring out age is tough... you can try to guess instar from size but that's very hit or miss.
Sexing is a bit harder for for audax's. They don't have the dramatic colour differences that regius does. You might have to wait until she's mature to figure that out lol.
Great pics and very cute spider!
Best of luck getting in touch with the breeder 🕷