Come to Arlington, then. They're everywhereThat could be Broadhead skink. Young five-lined and young Broadheads look almost the same. You would have needed to count some scales below the eye called labial scales. Five-lined has 4 labials and Broadheads have 5. I remember that because I've always wanted a Broadheaded skink and kept finding Five-lined around here but no Broadheads.
I agree. I'll go with the Five Lined Skink (Eumeces inexpectatus), although, as Galapoheros said, it could be a Broadhead Skink (Eumeces laticeps). According to Roger Conant in Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern/Central North America, there are several ways of telling the difference, including the scale count as Galapoheros mentioned. The snake is definitely a Florida Brown Snake, Texas style (Storeria dekayi).five-lined skink and a brown snake