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I found this today, and I acutally find a couple every year. I live in california. Its about an inch long. Can anyone ID it for me? Thanks. Heres some pics. Also is there anyway I can keep these in captivity?

Polyphylla decemlineataArachnoCrazy said:more exact a Ten-lined June Bug(Polyphylla decimlineata)
http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/1997/January/Day-24/e1674.htm said:...Polyphylla decemlineata are known to feed on the leaves of trees (Johnson 1954). At the end of the flight period each evening, males burrow back into the soil, emerging repeatedly on subsequent evenings to search for mates until their nutrient reserves expire (Hazeltine 1993). Females are believed to lay eggs at the bottom of their burrows and die a short time later. The life cycle continues as newly hatched larvae tunnel from the burrow in search of roots.
Amanda said:Wow! Our june bugs are solid brown. That guy's awesome. I'm always the one that finds them on their backs in the house and sets them straight again. Very funny little bugs.
LOL, right under the pic on that link it's got it's spelled both correctly and incorrectly.ArachnoCrazy said:psionix i used the right spelling see http://bugguide.net/node/view/6719
Ten-lined June Beetle (Polyphylla decimlineata) - Polyphylla decemlineata