I found this little thing in my room today. I hope it's not one of those roaches that will take over my home. If it even is a roach, looks like one to me, I just got new neighbors and they may have brought friends.
when i lived in an area that was over run with german roaches i was actually pretty afraid of that happening
some roaches (namely, the pesty ones) are so tough and adaptable that they can adapt around pesticides and so tough that i wouldn't be surprised that they can live with shocking levels of disease and parasitism
what i was afraid of is them vectoring nasty stuff to my bugs... i mean, my neighbors chose spraying raid over not leaving food and stuff everywhere so i was fairly confident that the roaches that would try to scav in my apartment almost certainly had some kind of pesticides on them sometimes
what makes it worse is that some of our pets are so long lived they have the potential to accumulate high levels of toxin over time... not to mention the stuff roaches eat and where they go makes them little crap magnets so they are just prime for helping our long lived pets bioaccumulate bad stuff
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