Any other ID's? I still don't think it looks like a Woodlouse spider considering the patterns are completely different from what i've seen on sites ect.. Thanks for the info though.
They are easy, small container, potting soil just on the moist side of dry, something to hide under, appropriately sized food items like crickets or roaches. They'd probably eat a large or medium cricket ripped in half if you give them the front part.
OK, well this is a female. It has an egg sac now. What do I do? I don't want these escaping.
I removed it and was going to throw it away but the spider once I removed the sac started freaking out so I placed it back in there and then that cup into a 6qt long sterilite without any air holes to prevent escapes and I will open the lid over few days to give it fresh air.
Is there any interest in the hobby for such slings? IF not I can just remove the sac and place it outside, which would make me feel awful ut I don't want slings all over my room. From what i could see threw the sac was ~35-50 eggs.
I would probably just freeze the sac or put it outside. She'll forget about it in 24 hours or so....but she'll probably make a new one fairly soon after. You can always put them in an airtight container (they don't need that much O2) and let the slings eat each other until you have just one or two adults. There is almost zero market for those guys.
Thanks for the info, well after placing it back in there it seems she has eaten it. The sac is 1/4 the size it was and nothing inside and no slings around.
Yeah, I'll do the wait and let them eat each other. I could go for a few dults these are beautiful little spiders.
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