I would like to step up my scorpion game :)


Jan 1, 2025
Hi, I'm 14 years old, and I currently have a few scorpions like: Janalychas tricarinatus, Euscorpius sp., Chaerilus variegatus ect. I also keep some highly venomous tarantulas like Poecilotheria, Harpactira pulchripes, Monocentropus balfouri and so on. I am responsible and careful when it comes to venomous inverts. I would like to step up my scorpion game. Recently I've become interested in species like Tityus smithii. Would you say it's a good idea for me to get this species, or shall I wait with this until I'm older? (The main thing is that I'm a bit worried about the potency of the venom, and the effects it can have on me in case of a sting)

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Impossible for you bud. Need a DWA licence in the UK for anything in the Buthidae family and you have to be 18 to get that, after paying and getting background checks done.
There is no Tarantula with medically significant venom according to UK law. that's why you're able keep basically any T you can get.

Here is the list of inverts not allowed without a DWA licence.

And here is the list of recognised genus in the Buthidae family so therefore not allowed. Look at this list it is all species that need the licence.
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Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
This is a cringe thread. While I too was drawn to them at an early age, I didn't try to keep hot species when I was still in middle school. If I knew who your parents were, I would tell them about this post and that you're trying to bring deadly animals into their house.

No offense, but whether you think it or not, you ARE not smart. Esp so for making this post. You have no business handling an animal that can cause deaths to dozens of people. It doesn't make you badass.
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Active Member
Oct 10, 2024
Woah! You make a good point though. It seems that the license, age and background check requirement that @Andrew Clayton brought up is a good safety measure.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
My bad, I hope you all get the gist of my point though. Merely talking from my own experience personally.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
My bad, I hope you all get the gist of my point though. Merely talking from my own experience personally.
Don't worry over here not only are there special licences but no registered seller would sell to anyone without a licence and definitely wouldn't sell to a teen.

Op I suggest you wait , you have your whole life ahead of you, plenty time to get sp that could hurt you or your family once your older and are more settled, ie have your own home a job and money to support what you want to do. I mean its not like you could take them to uni and you couldn't leave them with your parents because u and only u have the licence. Wait study hard and once you have set up your own life then look into it again if it's still what you want 😊.


Aug 6, 2023
Yes you should definitely wait. You already got some old world tarantulas I understand is very unpleasant to receive a bite from and from which there could be long term effects. A deadly scorpion is probably relatively speaking the safest deadly critter to keep as they are very easy to keep contained and safe. But any mistake in the safety precautions and the consequences could be really bad. You may feel the danger is exaggerated but imagine you being 14 making an unwise decision to take it out of the cage and play with it, redesigning the setup while the critter is in it, your family members not knowing what they deal with, your cat giving that faunabox a push so it falls to the floor and the critter escapes etc.
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Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
This is a cringe thread. While I too was drawn to them at an early age, I didn't try to keep hot species when I was still in middle school. If I knew who your parents were, I would tell them about this post and that you're trying to bring deadly animals into their house.

No offense, but whether you think it or not, you ARE not smart. Esp so for making this post. You have no business handling an animal that can cause deaths to dozens of people. It doesn't make you badass.
I think OP doesn't have any of what is said as the Janalychas tricarinatus is on the DWA list looks like someone just made an account and googled some species to put in. Only reason I even replied was purely for the information incase anyone is legit trying to get any "hot" species. I thought the same when I 1st read it, like where are you're parents.

Even at 18 I don't think I was responsible enough to have anything like that.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
where are you're parents.
I must admit I thought the same thing but have seen younger keepers it's not unheard of so answered just incase 🤷🏻‍♀️. I am a t girl though scorps go over my head with hot or not 😆


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2005
Wait until you are older for any hot species, buthidae etc. You can begin with a Heterometrus or something, and get experience with the husbandry of scorpions.

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
I must admit I thought the same thing but have seen younger keepers it's not unheard of so answered just incase 🤷🏻‍♀️. I am a t girl though scorps go over my head with hot or not 😆
Well you're cool with T's there are none on the list, so my advice get as many as you can lol. Scorpions are cool if you're ever thinking of getting one the Asian forest scorpions the Heterometrus genus are always readily available in the UK and pretty hard they get big too.
Yeah my twin daughters are both into inverts too, there 10 and one has a Phiddipus Regius jumper and the other has a Hierodula Membranacea mantis. Thing is, I know they could deal with some faster T's and stuff. The sole fact that there is a chance they could be bit, it will only be new world terrestrial or fossorial when or if they decide to get Tarantulas.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Well you're cool with T's there are none on the list, so my advice get as many as you can lol. Scorpions are cool if you're ever thinking of getting one the Asian forest scorpions the Heterometrus genus are always readily available in the UK and pretty hard they get big too.
Yeah my twin daughters are both into inverts too, there 10 and one has a Phiddipus Regius jumper and the other has a Hierodula Membranacea mantis. Thing is, I know they could deal with some faster T's and stuff. The sole fact that there is a chance they could be bit, it will only be new world terrestrial or fossorial when or if they decide to get Tarantulas.
Cool all good to know 😆 couldn't be without my t's lol.

I have been looking at scorps recently actually so that's also good to know 😊, I have been interested in them but had no idea where to start , I would like to get one after I set up my new spood room it's good to have a sp I can research in the mean time 😊 thank you.

My son showed interest when I first got into t's he did end up with a few of his own, he is also 10 now but is no longer interested in them unfortunately so they have been amalgamated into my collection which stands at 100+ atm 😆, I am at my limits now hence my new spood room that once was the living room 😂😂😂

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Cool all good to know 😆 couldn't be without my t's lol.

I have been looking at scorps recently actually so that's also good to know 😊, I have been interested in them but had no idea where to start , I would like to get one after I set up my new spood room it's good to have a sp I can research in the mean time 😊 thank you.

My son showed interest when I first got into t's he did end up with a few of his own, he is also 10 now but is no longer interested in them unfortunately so they have been amalgamated into my collection which stands at 100+ atm 😆, I am at my limits now hence my new spood room that once was the living room 😂😂😂
Hadrurus arizonensis also another one worth looking at that's readily available one UK shop has the Arizonensis the H A Pallidus and the H Spadix in just now all the same care just different colouration on them.
This is not peer pressure I promise lol.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Hadrurus arizonensis also another one worth looking at that's readily available one UK shop has the Arizonensis the H A Pallidus and the H Spadix in just now all the same care just different colouration on them.
This is not peer pressure I promise lol.
I think they may have been the ones I was looking at hairy scorpion or something it was called so cute they were what actually got me interested have little hippo faces 😆

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
I think they may have been the ones I was looking at hairy scorpion or something it was called so cute they were what actually got me interested have little hippo faces 😆
Yeah desert hairy scorpions, Here's mine it's around 10/11 cm just now.
This is the standard Hadrurus Arizonensis the Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus is basically all light coloured and the Hadrurus Spadix has an all black body.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Yeah desert hairy scorpions, Here's mine it's around 10/11 cm just now.
View attachment 488899
This is the standard Hadrurus Arizonensis the Hadrurus Arizonensis Pallidus is basically all light coloured and the Hadrurus Spadix has an all black body.
Yes that's the one ! 🥰 look at that little face 😆 they are super cute .... I will need to research them now too 😆

Andrew Clayton

Active Member
Dec 19, 2018
Yes that's the one ! 🥰 look at that little face 😆 they are super cute .... I will need to research them now too 😆
I'm in the process of building this ones forever home got a load of excavator clay so gawna build it a rockface like home, seen a guy on YouTube do it and tried it with acrylic enclosure but didn't work out because of the slight bend in the acrylic so got a glass enclosure ordered and should be here next week to start the build. That's the only thing with keeping these they like to burrow and can easily trap themselves in a sand mix and they don't do well with the moisture in a normal T substrate so best with something like excavator clay and just a sand layer in it. The Heterometrus genus do well in a T style enclosure so a lot easier in setup, just some other things to consider. Also if you're ever looking to breed the Heterometrus ones are supposed to be pretty easy to breed compared with the Hadrurus genus.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
No I wouldn't be breeding and idm burrowing, burrowing t's are my favourite so I assume the same would apply to a scorp 😊 . I have always wanted to try the clay too so again not a problem to me infact a bonus because i get to use something i haven't tried before n i like to make things 😊 .

The more you say the more I am sold 😆