Ok, I bought some new T's this weekend. Some Pokies and a Psalmopoeus Pulcher, and a cute little N. colloratovillosum. This one is a 1,5"female. I already have a male and he's an absolute sweetheart (as are my other Nhandu's).
But this one. The transfer to her new home, when we got back from the convention, went more or less smoothly.(she didn't want to leave her travelbox)
Last night I was doing my feeding round and picked up her tank (some tanks are on top of eachother) and instantly she put up a threat pose. SO I put the tank down on the table and she bumps up against the lid. When she moved away, I opened the lid to grab her waterdish which she had flipped upsidedown and she attacked my tweezers Next thing I know, she turns her butt towards me and starts kicking hair like a madman.
I tossed a cricket in to distract her and even before the cricket hit the ground, she grabbed it. It could hear the cricket get crushed.
Then I tried again to get the waterdish and with her mouth full of cricket she backed up to me a kicked some more hairs.
This is one weird Nhandu. The day before a had my big 8" Pokie on my hand to get her to drink and she was a total sweetie. Maybe they changed characters
But this one. The transfer to her new home, when we got back from the convention, went more or less smoothly.(she didn't want to leave her travelbox)
Last night I was doing my feeding round and picked up her tank (some tanks are on top of eachother) and instantly she put up a threat pose. SO I put the tank down on the table and she bumps up against the lid. When she moved away, I opened the lid to grab her waterdish which she had flipped upsidedown and she attacked my tweezers Next thing I know, she turns her butt towards me and starts kicking hair like a madman.
I tossed a cricket in to distract her and even before the cricket hit the ground, she grabbed it. It could hear the cricket get crushed.
Then I tried again to get the waterdish and with her mouth full of cricket she backed up to me a kicked some more hairs.
This is one weird Nhandu. The day before a had my big 8" Pokie on my hand to get her to drink and she was a total sweetie. Maybe they changed characters