I was attacked :eek:


Old Timer
Nov 18, 2007
Ok, I bought some new T's this weekend. Some Pokies and a Psalmopoeus Pulcher, and a cute little N. colloratovillosum. This one is a 1,5"female. I already have a male and he's an absolute sweetheart (as are my other Nhandu's).
But this one:embarrassed:. The transfer to her new home, when we got back from the convention, went more or less smoothly.(she didn't want to leave her travelbox)
Last night I was doing my feeding round and picked up her tank (some tanks are on top of eachother:p) and instantly she put up a threat pose:eek:. SO I put the tank down on the table and she bumps up against the lid. When she moved away, I opened the lid to grab her waterdish which she had flipped upsidedown and she attacked my tweezers:confused: Next thing I know, she turns her butt towards me and starts kicking hair like a madman.
I tossed a cricket in to distract her and even before the cricket hit the ground, she grabbed it. It could hear the cricket get crushed:p.
Then I tried again to get the waterdish and with her mouth full of cricket she backed up to me a kicked some more hairs.

This is one weird Nhandu:p. The day before a had my big 8" Pokie on my hand to get her to drink and she was a total sweetie. Maybe they changed characters:p


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2008
Well, at least she attacked you with the less dangerous end...lol


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
Hahaha sounds just like mine. It’s a whole 3” and it thinks it’s an attack dog with rabies.

I open it's little KK a few months ago to give it a roach while looking over my shoulder talking to a friend. I heard “splat” when I looked down she was out of her KK directly in front of me giving me a nice threat display and kicking hair all over the place. She’s by far the spider I worry about the most.

Oh and congrats!! Have fun with her :D

Here is a pic of mine after it did the flying leap. Notice all the urticating hair


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I must have gotten lucky with mine. She's not exactly docile or anything but i seldom get a threat posture. my pampho's are the spazzy beasts who worry me the most. They're sooooo jumpy. I must confess however that since the recent molt (@3.5") my coloratovillalobo has been a little feistier than in the past. Still not even in my top ten onry bastards tho'.