Okay so i have been woundering how do you start a dermestid colony?I have found some in my house[they look like this http://www.extension.umn.edu/gardeninfo/insectgallery/images/insects/larderbeetle2_400px.jpg
so im thinking it is a larder beetle can these make great colonies?If so how many would you need?I only ever see the adults every now and then i hope i can find more[i see them lots in the spring around may-june]What kind of inclosure do they need?What do they eat?Do they need substrate?Any personal information is welcome.
so im thinking it is a larder beetle can these make great colonies?If so how many would you need?I only ever see the adults every now and then i hope i can find more[i see them lots in the spring around may-june]What kind of inclosure do they need?What do they eat?Do they need substrate?Any personal information is welcome.