This is my crazy N. Chromatus. She never hesitates to threaten me everytime I prod her with the brush. Tonight she went extreme!
Here she is doing her normal walk in the tank...

Then she gave me a threat pose until she almost flipped over. here she is with only the last set of legs touching ground...

And finally she lay down as if it was molting time. she was not moving so I thought she had a nervous breakdown or heart attack or something that Ts have.

So I put the brush in front of her...
and bang! a bite. She's alive, thank God. I left her alone afterwards...
Here she is doing her normal walk in the tank...

Then she gave me a threat pose until she almost flipped over. here she is with only the last set of legs touching ground...

And finally she lay down as if it was molting time. she was not moving so I thought she had a nervous breakdown or heart attack or something that Ts have.

So I put the brush in front of her...
and bang! a bite. She's alive, thank God. I left her alone afterwards...