So I have a 3 year-old Pekingese female named Truffles. I have gotten a lot of remarks lately about her size. When I got her weighed at the vet, she was somewhere in the range of 22-26 lbs (I can't remember - terrible memory). I was reading up on the breed again lately and was sort of shocked to discover that the typical Pekingese is only about 14 lbs. Now, I did research the breed before I bought her, I guess I just didn't really notice her size as I don't have other Pekingese to compare her to. I have the papers that say she is a purebred Pekingese. Are large Pekingese common or did I just get my own little freak of nature? I love her to death but sometimes I do wish she was smaller (she is not fat - she gets regular exercise and no table scraps), especially when I have to pick her up to take her places and stuff. I'm not overly concerned about it, I'm mostly just curious and I guess I am a little worried that she may not be purebred after all (I bought her from a Petland if that helps