I think I did a good thing..


Aug 30, 2009
So, I went down to a local pet store that was recommended because they had a great sale going on crickets (6 ravenous slings with two more on the way--yowza!). Well, curiousity got the better of me and I asked about any T's they might have. They had two-- a G. Rosea and an A. Avic, both about 4". Poor little guys-- they were on woodchips, no water dishes (just those water gel things) and the A. Avic's enclosure was reading 45% humidity. If T's can look miserable, these guys were it. Poor lil' buggers. So, after cooing a little to those pretty babies, I hunted up the store manager. He admitted he wasn't good with T's (which at least he was honest about it) and was looking to get rid of them both. Guess who got 2 new T's today, each with a 5 gal. cage at the bargain basement price of $20!! --->Me!!<--- I've got my A. Avic, Hope, in a properly arboreal humidified environment with a water dish and my G. Rosea, Faith, off those woodchips with her own little burrow and her own water dish as well. A few hours can make a big difference with these guys-- they've each taken on a big ole' chunky cricket and they look to be content settling in their new forever homes. I'll post pics ASAP!

It's been a good day. :)


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Awesome job!!

I bet they are MUCH happier now!


Aug 30, 2009
Thanks! I just checked on my babies--Faith's snuggled down into her little burrow and Hope's webbing up her little tree! Life is good. :)


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
While it's good of you to rescue those T's from less than acceptable conditions, you also have to keep in mind that as long as people keep buying T's, LPS' will continue to order them in and keep them in these conditions. It is hard to refrain from rescuing something that you know you could take much better care of, but these pet stores don't know that it's a rescue mission, they're just glad they're making money, and they're not going to stop getting T's until people stop buying them. It's unfortunate for the animals but the only real way to stop all of this is to stop buying these things so the pet stores are losing money rather than making it. There's an LPS here who has a gorgeos GTP for $700 that I would love to add to my collection, but unfortunately they don't take very good care of it, and as bad as I feel for the snake and as much as I want it, I know if I buy it, they'll just order in another one because they'll think that people are interested in them and will buy them, even though I'd be buying it because I know I could give it a better environment. Don't get me wrong, good for you for having the heart to want to give something a better home and I'm sure they're both gorgeous, but buying things from pet stores to rescue them isn't going to stop anything, it just adds fuel to the fire.


Also, I know there are pet stores out there who aren't in it for the money, but for the animals. Thank goodness for these pet stores, unfortunately they are few and far between. I'm not attacking all pet stores, just the ones who make all of us feel bad for the conditions they keep their animals in. :)


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Cass, you have a VERY VERY good point there... we have the same problem in the dog world with people who 'rescue' puppies from pet stores - you remove it, they replace it :(


Aug 30, 2009
I can understand where you're coming from, and I whole-heartedly agree. This particular situation is one where the timing, the price, and the situation was right. In my area, T's aren't generally found in the LPS's. Most are mom and pop shops and they've got the cute fuzzy things-- finding a T around here is rare. So I admittedly took advantage of the situation, and it was for the mutual benefit of all, but mostly for the T's. Certainly not saying I live in paradise (I wish!), but most of the local shops stick with the cute and fuzzies, and are content to leave the T's out of it. Definitely a good bit of food for thought though-- thank you!!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Well, you did a wonderful thing for those two little guys. I am truly happy for them. I'm sure they are much happier, and your conscience can rest easy for a minute. At least until the next time you go into that LPS, and see 5 more that need to be rescued. I'm not trying to be a jerk and make you feel bad, but there is another side to be looked at.

The same thing happened to me a while back, and I bought right into the ol' "Make the customer feel sory for the animals" routine. The store didn't know jack (or so they said), and assured me they weren't going to sell any more T's other than rose-hairs (apparently the nastier and more colorful T's weren't selling well). I rescued a Pokie, discovered it was mature male (I could barely even see him in his container, it was so filthy), and spent the rest of the evening trying to justify making a stupid purchase. Not even two weeks later, I went back to the shop, and the owner was so eager to show me all the new tarantulas they just stocked. I'll tell you right now that none of them were a rose-hair. When I realized I had been suckered, I gave them pretty good reason to tell me to never come back. A month's worth of verbal abuse still didn't quite seem sufficent, but at least I felt better. (I do not take to kindly to being taken advantage of)

Since I'd rather not perpetuate the cycle of an industry that cares more about the money than the animal, I went and got myself a roach colony, and have been looking into ordering my supplies from reputable online dealers....just so I'll never have to set foot inside a LPS again (except for that natural pet-food place by my house...my kitties have to eat too).


Aug 30, 2009
Well, if I've been suckered, it's a lesson learned. I'll go back to that store in 30 days. If there are more T's in stock in that place, then I guess I deserve to lose $20 and have egg on my face. Still, even if I have been suckered-- I'd pay $20+ for one of the 5 gal. tanks alone normally. So, I guess for me, it's a win-win either way this time.

Just wanted to share a good day with folks.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
:D Congrats on the new additions.. I wish my LPS woud get something other than the G. rosea.. Dont get my wrong I love both of my big girls and I am possibly going to be buying a couple more.. I did infact want to buy the male they had at the LPS when I bought Itsy.. The poor little guy was regenerating one of its legs.. And was in very crappy conditions.. Thought Itsy had it worse so I desided to buy her.. She is doing great... I only buy at the LPS when I cant afford to go out of budget and spend more for the shipping.. Though I wish I could get more... :rolleyes: :D


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2007
I've been there, done that. I "rescued" an a.avic from a LPS. The poor dear had no substrate, no water, a tiny KK, and a light shining right in her face. I knew back then that it was a bad idea to buy from pet stores (in fact, one of their other tarantulas that day was already dead from dehydration :wall: ), but this one was just so cute and looked so miserable that I had to buy her (and she shot poop at me which I found funny). I don't regret it for a second, she's one of my favorite ones, but I also have never been back to that pet store because I know that there will be more just like her. It's terrible, but I think most run-of-the-mill pet store employees see tarantulas and other invertebrates as icky and/or "disposable" pets.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Well, if I've been suckered, it's a lesson learned. I'll go back to that store in 30 days. If there are more T's in stock in that place, then I guess I deserve to lose $20 and have egg on my face. Still, even if I have been suckered-- I'd pay $20+ for one of the 5 gal. tanks alone normally. So, I guess for me, it's a win-win either way this time.

Just wanted to share a good day with folks.
Even if you did get duped, you still got a hell of a deal!!! I had to pay full-price for my Pokie, and buy a 10-gallon, and buy extra substrate. Not to mention the trip to Home Depot for some plexi, and hardware for the door.

I'm going to start building custom enclosures from now on....10-gallons are way too big for most of my T's, yet they are ALOT cheaper than 5-gallons. BTW, I really enjoyed that Pokie. He has since been sent off on a breeding loan (after keeping me awake with sevral nights of drumming), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed my dumb-@$$ purchase bears some fruit. :p


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
While it's good of you to rescue those T's from less than acceptable conditions, you also have to keep in mind that as long as people keep buying T's, LPS' will continue to order them in and keep them in these conditions....
I see your point, Mtisdale, but in this particular case, it sounds like the LPS owner was relieved to be unburdened by these Ts, and I don't know about you, but it certainly doesn't look to me like this guy was in it for the money. He practically gave the things away (accessories included) and I doubt he'll consider stocking slow moving inventory like tarantulas anymore. So it's win-win-win for all concerned IMO.


Aug 30, 2009
I hear you there! And to get two T's plus two 5 gal. tanks-- too good to pass on it!

I think that's what I'm going to do, too. I've already started one and almost have it finished (tutorial courtesy of Robc), and I think these two will be uber-happy when I revamp their little quarters into nice, naturalistic enclosures.

LOL! Your little man is just looking for some lovin'! Let's hope he gets it-- and gets out alive! :) Good luck on the breeding project!

Even if you did get duped, you still got a hell of a deal!!! I had to pay full-price for my Pokie, and buy a 10-gallon, and buy extra substrate. Not to mention the trip to Home Depot for some plexi, and hardware for the door.

I'm going to start building custom enclosures from now on....10-gallons are way too big for most of my T's, yet they are ALOT cheaper than 5-gallons. BTW, I really enjoyed that Pokie. He has since been sent off on a breeding loan (after keeping me awake with sevral nights of drumming), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed my dumb-@$$ purchase bears some fruit. :p


Aug 30, 2009
I think I see a new quote for my profile... "Is it wrong to be happy when my T poop shoots me?" LOL!

I've been there, done that. I "rescued" an a.avic from a LPS. The poor dear had no substrate, no water, a tiny KK, and a light shining right in her face. I knew back then that it was a bad idea to buy from pet stores (in fact, one of their other tarantulas that day was already dead from dehydration :wall: ), but this one was just so cute and looked so miserable that I had to buy her (and she shot poop at me which I found funny). I don't regret it for a second, she's one of my favorite ones, but I also have never been back to that pet store because I know that there will be more just like her. It's terrible, but I think most run-of-the-mill pet store employees see tarantulas and other invertebrates as icky and/or "disposable" pets.


Old Timer
Jul 27, 2009
I can understand where you're coming from, and I whole-heartedly agree. This particular situation is one where the timing, the price, and the situation was right. In my area, T's aren't generally found in the LPS's. Most are mom and pop shops and they've got the cute fuzzy things-- finding a T around here is rare. So I admittedly took advantage of the situation, and it was for the mutual benefit of all, but mostly for the T's. Certainly not saying I live in paradise (I wish!), but most of the local shops stick with the cute and fuzzies, and are content to leave the T's out of it. Definitely a good bit of food for thought though-- thank you!!
I was in one of the big pet store chains yesterday buying some crickets and I asked why no T's? He was the manager and he said and I quote "If we sell creepy crawler's they won't even come in the doors" he said too bad cause I love them. I would like to add this and please don't think I'm a rude dude here cause I did the same thing you did only with a G.Rosea(Rosie). It's not a good idea most of the time because they will just replace the spider with another one.....I said to myself when I was told this....Ah,this is BS....no, it's not, that's what they did one month later replace my rosie with a young wild caught juvi G.Rosea....you, my friend are a big softy and these LPS are counting on people with good heart's....the hot light's are hell on the T's but show them off...."It's showtime" No hide? No problem, we want you to see the product. Wood chips? Hopefully they won't be here long....sold! I think you get the idea....don't feel bad,I did the same damn thing!!! If I walked into a LPS and saw some sad T I don't know if I could pass him/her up but I would try....good luck to you:D