A few days ago I was checking on my spiders and noticed my ~1.25" GBB sling in an unusual position...as if it couldn't decide if it wanted to be rightside up or upside down
ya know...my gf just had a good idea on what it was doing (it was sitting still when I saw it). She said that it was probably running silk from the lid to the clay pot and vice versa...makes sense when looking at the picture :clap: . Hmmmm... :?
one time i was watching the show "scientific american frontiers" on PBS and this one university (i don't remember which one it was) gave spiders very small doses of cocaine and then gave them an area to spin thier web. All the webs came out very unusual with zig zag paterns and big gaps in places, but the spider has a good ol' time.
NASA did some studies of drug effects on spiders and their webs. on LSD and mescaline they made perfect webs, if not more exact than when sober (but keep on believing psychedelics are bad all you naysayers ), caffeine and coke were the worst results, and marijuana somewhere in the middle...as if it was being distracted/lazy
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