I Saw My 1st Assassin Bug Today


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2005
As I was leaving work today I heard a "thunk" and looked down on the sidewalk and saw a large bug that had hit the door. Upon closer examination I could make out the dorsal ridge and orange sucker tube of an Assassin Bug. Pretty cool looking and larger than I imagined. This guy had a legspan larger than a quarter. I was going to bring it home and take a picture of it but I didn't have anything to put him in. I guess I need to start carry a deli container with me for such occassions.

So far this summer I've seen a walking stick, a praying mantis and now an assassin bug at work. It's amazing what you can see when you start looking.


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2007
Yeah it's definitely cool when you realize that there's so much so close to you if you just open your eyes a little bit. Almost the same thing happened to me at school today, I felt something hit me in the back of the head and it was this huge reddish brown beetle. I tried to catch it but it flew away. I love things like that.