I like my job.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
I work installing pools in the summer, so you can imagion what we find under ground, the places we go, and what falls into the "microwave pit" (dubbed this because before hte pool has al inor it has steel sides that reflect heat into its bottum) essentialy giant pit fall traps, today I was leaning agenst a tree, and some bark chipped away and I found the largest canadian spider I have ever seen- with a leg span of 1.25-1.5 and colouration of perfect camouflage into this spruce trees bark, it was almost invisable, but very relectant to move een when handle, extrodinarly shy loving small tight spaces. and aboreal, she also had 4 hatched egg sacs by her under the same bark -whiteh alf circles plastered to hte tree- that were very empty. I removed her and shes not at home. her colouration is a dark brown with black spotchings on her, but her size, is unbelieavable comparitive to other locals I've seen. she is easily bigger then most Arigropes I've seen, large set front eyes. little nto no webbing makes me think some kind of wolf. I do not have the best camera, but what I have will be available friday. I will get the best pictures I can, any one have an Id on it? -toronoto ontario canada- was its capture point :)