i just made out like a bandit!


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2007
guys i just hit a serious jackpot hehe...here's what i got...

1.) 7' Coastal Carpet Python tame female in pristine condition

2.) 5'L x 3'H x 2'W custom built oak snake cage with lights and furniture

3.) a poop scoop lol{D

...all for a grand total of 80 bucks!

i'll get some pics of her when i get a chance but i just had to share first hehe:)



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Way to go dude!
I think we'd all appreciate some pics


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
Congrats! Carpet pythons are so cool! Hope you can post some pics of her :)
I got a good deal on a snake too this week. I found out there's a corn snake breeder that lives just a few mins away and she had the exact snake I wanted for super cheap. Plus I got to see some bubblegum corns. Now I gotta have one of those too. lol.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2007
Congrats! Carpet pythons are so cool! Hope you can post some pics of her :)
I got a good deal on a snake too this week. I found out there's a corn snake breeder that lives just a few mins away and she had the exact snake I wanted for super cheap. Plus I got to see some bubblegum corns. Now I gotta have one of those too. lol.
to be honest i'm not too wild about corn snakes (i work will colubrids all day long at my job so i get kind of sick of them lol) but it's awesome that you found the snake you wanted:)

that being said have you ever seen root beer corns? they are one morph of corn i'd still consider owning...the blotches that would normally be dark orange are brown and the base is a creamy beige color which makes them look kind of like a root beer float (hence the name)...you should check them out:)

i'll have some pics up of the new girl as soon as i get a moment where i'm not frantically running around juggling my work schedule hehe:)



Old Timer
Nov 27, 2005
I always thought corn snakes were boring till I saw the snow/blizzard corns. I didn't realize how big corn snakes got either. I thought they were little snakes till I saw some biggies at a reptile show.
I now own a big snow female. She's a little over 4 feet I think (she's hard to measure:D ). She's really sweet. I spent all weekend making a new wood cage for her.
The root beer corns are cool. I've only seen pics of them. I don't think many people have them yet. I also like the stripe morph and blood red corns.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
that being said have you ever seen root beer corns? they are one morph of corn i'd still consider owning...the blotches that would normally be dark orange are brown and the base is a creamy beige color which makes them look kind of like a root beer float (hence the name)...you should check them out:)
my sister's got two eggs incubating right now that should be root beers... if they hatch... most of the clutch was infertile, three eggs seemed fertile, but one of those got smashed...


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2007
Nice going! How did you pull that deal off?
well i just got some more history on this snake so i thought i'd share...the snake was a Katrina casualty...the guy had left her here when he evacuated and was rescued by some of the animal workers who were going house to house durring the aftermath...they found out where he was and shipped the snake to him in california...he and the snake lived there for almost a year...when he decided to come home he left the snake with the people he was living with in cali...after they found out how much care the snake was going to need they decided they didn't want it and had it shipped back to the guy here...after which i heard from a guy who heard from a guy that the snake was being sold because the guy just didn't want her anymore...so that's how i ended up with the big momma!

so basically the snake has been from pillar to post over the past few years...no one has been handling her and she's been being fed live rats in cage so her personality is a bit gnarly...but i'm working with her and hopefully i can get her to calm down a little...she hasn't actually struck me but she hisses and postures alot...someone should tell the guy i bought her from that "maybe won't bite" isn't the same as "tame"...i don't mean to rant but it really ticks me off that people buy snakes and then treat them as if they're somehow less of a responsibility than a cat or a dog...

but anyway...i have her eating well on f/t rats now and she let me lift her out of her water bowl to change the water without incident so maybe a little TLC will give her a happy ending to all her trials and tribulations:)
