I helped a bird today


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
In my neighbors yard I noticed a Robin partially hanging from a tree. At first I thought it was trying to get some sort of insect and was hovering over the branch. Then I realize it's leg was stuck on something. I waited 30 minutes to see if the bird got loose, but it did not. It was raining,cold, and the bird was hanging upside down flapping trying to get away. It leg was caught on a piece of string. String was hanging from the branch, probably from a kite or balloon, and it must have put it's leg through the loop, and when it pulled to fly away it was like a noose and got tight around its leg and trapped it. See what human trash does to wildlife?

None of my neighbors bothered to do anything.

Since I could not reach the bird or cut the branch to untangle it, I had to find a wildlife rescue nearby. Well, there was only 1 open and willing to help, but it took 3 hours to find someone! The guy came and got on his ladder and got a branch cutter and cut the whole branch so the bird couldnt fly away. Then he removed the string, the bird has a broken leg but otherwise is ok. Then we look in the trees and hear these birds calling, it was his partner and young adult babies chirping for him. He still is needed to help gather worms for the young.

The guy took the robin back to his rehabilitation center and within a week hopefully the leg will heal and he can be returned back to his family asap!


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
Well considering you can get fined for helping or posessing native birds its understandable...