I have what I think might be a juvenile brown recluse, I don't have pics sorry my camera is old and my phone is an ereader w junky camera.


Jul 23, 2020
It seems from what I 've seen images of that a recluse has smaller front legs in comparison to the next set, the next set being longer but maybe Im wrong. this spider seems to have very long front legs. Its too small to already have A violin I think it has the brownish color. I have it in a clear cup container and it has webbing throughout it. It's definetly not a funnel web spider I have millions in my area. When do they begin to have the violin? This spider is not shy at all anymore had it for about a week or so. it hangs out at the top in a web and now its hard to make it go down to the bottom. it is only about a little more than a 1/4 inch with obvious pedipalps as not shy as it seems it makes me think it might not be a recluse but I need to know bcause if it is I need to let it go. I found him under a rock with a small amount of web nest.


Staff member
May 7, 2004
Recluse spiders are not web builders so if the one you found webbed up a cup and lives at the top, there is a really good chance it is not a recluse. Without a good, clear photo of the spider it is impossible to provide anymore insight as to what it could be. Regardless if it is a recluse spider or not, you should let it go where you found it.

Hardus nameous

Yes, but only on Tuesdays!
Arachnosupporter +
Feb 24, 2018
Try looking at the eyes. There are many spiders that look like recluses but most have different eye patterns.


Sep 2, 2019
They have the violin mark since day 1. But like @Hardus nameous said, look at the eyes. A recluse will have a distinct pattern of 6. And the ones that do have 6 will be not even be close to brown recluse looking. Take a gander at my gallery. I got some pretty good shots of L. Reclusa if you need reference. Also as @AphonopelmaTX noted they aren't web builders. They don't build webs to catch prey, but they do however build webs to encase and protect their eggs. They are not fastidious in the least. So if the web is a mangled mess with bug corpses strewn about, that's another identifier.