I had a scare!!! (SAFE ending)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Ok so I had a scare. Wednesday night I let my cousin come down and use my computer but I had to go to work that night. So when I came home the next morning I went into my animal closet (where I keep my snake and spiders at) I look in the snake tank and I see everything in there except the snake so I panic yet again because last time this happened when I had a ball python (two years ago) I ended up finding him dead on a mouse trap so I was scared again. The good thing about this ball python is that he is twice the size of my first one which was a baby so he couldn’t fit down certain holes so he only had a limited number of places he could go in my house. I swear I put the locks on the tank and there is no way this snake was smart enough to unlatch the tank locks from the inside of the tank and to do both locks. Anyway, even though I was scared I didn’t even bother looking for the snake at all, what I did was put down some empty oatmeal packets so when she crawled over them I would know exactly where she was when she came out at night. So she came out last night and ended up being in my kitchen which means she was under my stove and behind it in the open area back there. I went to pick her up and she hissed loudly I have never heard a snake hiss in person so to be honesty with you even though this is my own snake it did scare me at first. So since I was too scared to pick it up this time I found my self back at square one because it raced back under the stove again. Where it retreated for the night lol, and since I was already hot and tired from the heat I just left it there and didn’t use my stove at all. Fast forward to tonight I am sitting in my living room and I hear a mouse trap go off behind my couch and since mice are usually only around in the winter time I knew this was my snake. Don’t worry yall even though he set the mouse trap off it didn’t catch any part of his body so he’s all right. So what I did was because it hissed at me again ( I am sure she is really stressed out so that’s why she hissed) I took a towel and threw it over her whole body, then she just laid there. So I as long as she laid in place I didn’t move her and waited for her to calm down for a while and then I kept the towel over her head and slipped her back in her cage and took the towel as she slid off it. And trust me this time those locks are on there TIGHTLY lol and will be locked and double checked all the time.

In other snake news I will be acquiring one or two Jungle carpet pythons either tomorrow or some time next week and since I have clearly learned from my mistakes my jungle carpet python will NEVER get out its tank lol.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Glad you were success full in your search. Funny, I never notice somthins missing till it slithers through the dining room, lol.

Congrats on the aquiring of two new animals. JCPs make amazing pets and are definatly some of my favorite snakes. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Glad you were success full in your search. Funny, I never notice somthins missing till it slithers through the dining room, lol.

Congrats on the aquiring of two new animals. JCPs make amazing pets and are definatly some of my favorite snakes. ~ Rex
Thanks, rex i did some research and i read that JCPS are nippy is that with all JCPS do they all have their indivual personalities?


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
As babies yes they are, however with gentle regular handling most calm down into extremely gentle snakes and tend to stay that way even if handling amounts change. They also DO have their own personalities.


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2008
It always makes me laugh that no matter how hard I try to keep my animals in their enclosures, someone always gets out. I've had rats get out, hamsters, my dogs, cats, etc.

I've even had to make improvised traps for the rodents out of pipe and doors haha.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Thanks, rex i did some research and i read that JCPS are nippy is that with all JCPS do they all have their indivual personalities?
Mine was nippy (and pissy) for the fist year or so. I took him out semi-regularly so he would get used to me. I also placed a worn shirt of mine in his enclousre. Now three years later, he's calmed down alot, but isn't like a BP. At best he'll tollerate handleing for a few minutes, then he gets squirmy. He hasn't struck in a long time, and most of them were warnings anyway. He also has givin up the anoying habit of spraying me with rotten rat juice. In a word, he is "fiesty." He knows who I am and is workable, but I wouldn't trust him with anyone else. If you are looking for a snake that can be held by anyone, you'd be very lucky to find such in a JCP. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Mine was nippy (and pissy) for the fist year or so. I took him out semi-regularly so he would get used to me. I also placed a worn shirt of mine in his enclousre. Now three years later, he's calmed down alot, but isn't like a BP. At best he'll tollerate handleing for a few minutes, then he gets squirmy. He hasn't struck in a long time, and most of them were warnings anyway. He also has givin up the anoying habit of spraying me with rotten rat juice. In a word, he is "fiesty." He knows who I am and is workable, but I wouldn't trust him with anyone else. If you are looking for a snake that can be held by anyone, you'd be very lucky to find such in a JCP. ~ Rex
Rotten rat juice spray...Which end does that come out of? Lol..

Also Aspen bedding is fine right?

And do JCP incubate their own eggs enough for me to have healthy babies if i leave them with their parents?


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
^I use cypress mulch. Its way cheap ($4 a cubic yard), absorbant, won't mold, smells great, and LOOKS NATURAL. Aspen is fine, but its a bit more costly and your animal looks like its in a boring habitat.

I think so, but most breeders prefer to incubate the eggs themselves. There's less work and stress involved with the female. All you need is some good incuabating info and a $30 hovabator, believe me its alot nicer to just lay down the money then try and build one yourself. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
^I use cypress mulch. Its way cheap ($4 a cubic yard), absorbant, won't mold, smells great, and LOOKS NATURAL. Aspen is fine, but its a bit more costly and your animal looks like its in a boring habitat.

I think so, but most breeders prefer to incubate the eggs themselves. There's less work and stress involved with the female. All you need is some good incuabating info and a $30 hovabator, believe me its alot nicer to just lay down the money then try and build one yourself. ~ Rex
how does a hovabator look? where can I buy one???