I guess my rosie really likes her black light!


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
I haven't been keeping a lamp on with my tarantula lately since its still been warm here at night, but last night it was chilly so i put a black lamp on. She started grooming herself like crazy, webbing the place up, climbing the glass walls, drinking her water, ectect. you NEVER see her doing these things other then grooming every once in a while. shes grooming now, and she seems pretty happy with her black light :)


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
I haven't been keeping a lamp on with my tarantula lately since its still been warm here at night, but last night it was chilly so i put a black lamp on. She started grooming herself like crazy, webbing the place up, climbing the glass walls, drinking her water, ectect. you NEVER see her doing these things other then grooming every once in a while. shes grooming now, and she seems pretty happy with her black light :)
I was always under the impression that a blacklight is just about the worst possible lighting that a tarantula could be under. They can only process certain light wavelengths, and I think a blacklight is akin to having a spotlight shining in their eyes. It's probably stressing her out.


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
I was always under the impression that a blacklight is just about the worst possible lighting that a tarantula could be under. They can only process certain light wavelengths, and I think a blacklight is akin to having a spotlight shining in their eyes. It's probably stressing her out.
Oops, Wrong thing to say x.x. its her night glo, not black light. sorry about that.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Just use care with that light. You can really dry out your cage with it and even rosies can dehydrate. Also make sure you're not creating too much of a hot spot. T's are kind of dumb about avoiding dangerous temps sometimes.


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
Yeah, there isn't really any need for a heatlamp unless you're in like Alaska or something. Which, if you are--you should probably use it.
Or get it a snugee.


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
Just use care with that light. You can really dry out your cage with it and even rosies can dehydrate. Also make sure you're not creating too much of a hot spot. T's are kind of dumb about avoiding dangerous temps sometimes.
Her cage is misted and shes got her water dish in there, I only use the light on cold nights.


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Lighting 4 T's

I only use Compact 50-50 lights....minimal heat......
Helps live plants to grow in arboreal set-ups :D My Pink-Toe is happy and incubated sack successfully.
- Jason
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Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
Her cage is misted and shes got her water dish in there, I only use the light on cold nights.

G.rosea don't need, or like misting. And misting doesn't help with T's that need moisture either.
How cold does it get on cold nights? How often are they?


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
G.rosea don't need, or like misting. And misting doesn't help with T's that need moisture either.
How cold does it get on cold nights? How often are they?
It was down in the 20 below area last night, we don't get that temperature often. Maybe twice a month.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I haven't been keeping a lamp on with my tarantula lately since its still been warm here at night, but last night it was chilly so i put a black lamp on. She started grooming herself like crazy, webbing the place up, climbing the glass walls, drinking her water, ectect. you NEVER see her doing these things other then grooming every once in a while. shes grooming now, and she seems pretty happy with her black light :)
To me, that sounds like a stressed Rosie. The only time I see the kind of behavior you are describing out of my girl is right after a rehousing, or if I decide to soak her substrate.....I also had a collembola infestation where I saw a constant pattern of annoyance, and excessive grooming with her.

Heat is best obtained by convection (ie: ambient room temperatures), rather than a direct (radiating) heat source. If an additional source is needed you could use an undertank heater in combination with a thermostatic controller.....but that can get expensive if you have a collection of T's already.

Her cage is misted and shes got her water dish in there, I only use the light on cold nights.
Generally, Rosies should be kept DRY with a waterdish. The only reason to give additional humidity is if your Rosie is drinking alot, or notice a frequently empty waterdish.

The subject of misting is pretty touchy. Some hobbyists swear by it, and employ this method with religious fervosity. Others (for one reason or another) just soak the substrate area around the waterdish. Personally, after I realized that misting does nothing more than piss-off my T's, I quit doing so. Misting only gives the humidity a quick spike, and does nothing to maintain a constant Rh.

Hope this helps!!!


Old Timer
Mar 15, 2009
To me, that sounds like a stressed Rosie. The only time I see the kind of behavior you are describing out of my girl is right after a rehousing, or if I decide to soak her substrate.....I also had a collembola infestation where I saw a constant pattern of annoyance, and excessive grooming with her.

Generally, Rosies should be kept DRY with a waterdish. The only reason to give additional humidity is if your Rosie is drinking alot, or notice a frequently empty waterdish.

Hope this helps!!!
She used to be VERY active, which is why I picked her out at the petshop I got her from. I had my eye on her before I got her. Since about early November of this year shes been real sluggish about everything, not even being able to catch crickets. This morning I gave her a cricket, she snatched it right up.

And about her water dish, i'm guessing she does drink a lot, i constantly have to refill her dish.