I found this


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
Ok gents, I was leaving tonite to go out, and as i moved my shoe, I found this underneath it. I was a lil confused, cause I do not remember seeing this around here ever. And it is pretty much the dead of winter, so i did not expect to see anything alive wondering around.

It reminded me immediately of some of the assassin bugs I see on these boards sometimes. I took a close up look of the face, and it is indeed resembling a true bugs mouth parts. Like a snout for jabbing food? anyway, can anyone tell me what I have found here?

Edit: sorry about the semi poor picture quality. Its not my camera and im not used to it.

Edit 2- Well, after quickly looking them up on the internet (yes I could have done that first, but oh well) I think I've found what I have. Reduvius personatus... The Masked Hunter. Introduced European species. All I can say is I'll be damned, I did not think they lived around here. Well I dropped the lil guy a spare cricket (just a small one) from feeding my scorps. Maybe I'll just keep him for a while and see.
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Alex S.

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
It is most likely Reduvius personatus (adult) (Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Subfamily: Reduviinae). Nymphs of this species will cover themselves in dust and various other particles for mimicry of the environment they are in. This species can be common indoors. Very nice specimen.

Alex S.
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