I found this, help on ID


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
Hey all I'm in New England and I found this big gal crawling on my floor last night... I don't like spiders really but I like catching them for a few days and watching they're behavior.. I'm actually going to get a pinhead for it tonight, I want to try to figure out what it is and I know the pic is terrible but it's so small and I can't figure a way to contrast it on top of something because it's so darn fast... Anyways, she laid some eggs between last night and tonight on the side of the deli cup so if anyone wants they thing they can have it.. I just wanna know what it is first.... Look at the size compared to the tip of my finger... rather large for a spider in rhode island. It's has a zig zag shape of light brown on it's dark brown abdomen and some big teeth. :) If I could find a list of species in this area I could most definently pick it out..thanks all.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2006
New Hampshire resident

Living in NH I see them all of the time. They are fast and a bite you won't soon forget. I am no spider expert so I don't know the latin name (yet).

Arount here they are called wolf or hunting spider.



Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
Hey Tom, yeah I went to the webpage the other guy noted above and couldn't find it... I describe it as having a black head, with no hair, and a brown body with "2 eyes" and then a back and forth type marking... I fed it a pinehead yesterday and it seemed to enjoy it... I did get bit once, on the knee, swelled like I had "water on the knee" and hurt like heck! I wonder if anyone wants the thing, like I said I'm not a spider fan.. but maybe I'll put it in one of the scorpion tanks to see if it will catch some of the fruit flies that end up in there.


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
I found out that this is most likely, Pardosa lapidicina. Could the absence of hair on it's head indicate that it maybe subadult? Anyways, I think I read that these species burrow, so I'm throwing some peat in a deli cup and relocating it... It seems in his deli cup now he has a large web spun but it's at random and looks very unorganized (maybe he was drunk{D) Anyways, ... do you think if he is the size of a quarter he can take down a freshly molted cricket?